Master’s (Doctoral) Program in Psychology

Graduate School Offering a Wide Range of Basic and Clinical Studies

Psychology is a science that seeks to improve our knowledge of human behavior and understanding and thereby contribute to the welfare of humankind. Although sharing a common foundation, psychology is divided into basic psychology, which corresponds to basic medicine in the field of psychology, and clinical psychology, which corresponds to clinical medicine and has developed its own unique subjects and methods.

The Master’s (Doctoral) Program in Psychology, where students can learn both, has been producing psychologists with research skills for society since its establishment as the predecessor Psychology Course in the Department of Education. The program will continue to integrate science and humanism to train highly skilled professionals who will contribute to the welfare of humankind.


The Master’s Program develops a foundation of research skills in psychology and provides practical training for future careers as psychologists. There are basic psychology courses and clinical psychology courses, and the clinical psychology course is accredited as a Type 1 Designated Graduate School by the Foundation of the Japanese Certification Board for Clinical Psychologists. The curriculum is also designed to train Certified Public Psychologists.

In the Doctoral Program, students will enhance their research skills in their area of specialization, and at the same time, receive practical training to become independent researchers or leading psychologists in the future. To apply for a doctoral dissertation review, students are required to have multiple research papers published in or accepted by academic journals and to present the concept of their doctoral dissertation at a conceptual presentation meeting.

Granted Degree


Available Teaching Licenses and Subjects

  • High School Specialized Teacher (Civics)

*Only available in Master’s degree programs. Also, it is only available in subjects in which a Type 1 license has been obtained or the requirements for Type 1 have been fulfilled. Not all subjects are available.

Program Features

Sophia Psychology Clinic

In the clinical psychology course, graduate students are trained at the “Sophia Psychology Clinic”. This facility accepts consultations from outside the university and provides training and practice for graduate students majoring in clinical psychology.

Promoting Research in the Age of Internationalization

The Master’s (Doctoral) Program in Psychology supports graduate students’ presentations at domestic and international conferences. Faculty members specialize in the basic and clinical areas of psychology, allowing students to learn a wide range of both.

Close Interaction with Clinical and Research Settings

Many of our graduates are active as counselors, therapists, and other clinical psychologists in public institutions and medical and educational institutions. The program provides opportunities to study in a large network, including practical training in the workplaces of former graduates.

Selected Thesis Topics

Master’s Thesis

  • 対人関係の結び方が風景構成法の彩色過程に及ぼす影響の検討
  • 自己のセクシュアリティ体感モデルの検討
  • 女子大学生が母親の老いを認知することによる母親への接し方の変化
  • 保育者のジェンダー関連意識や関わりが子どもに与える影響
  • なつかしさに着目した過去のとらえ方と語りの検討
  • 家庭でのエデュケーショナル・マルトリートメント ― 思春期における教育の強制と成人後の心理的well-beingとの関連 ―
  • PICUにおける医療者のバーンアウト及びモラルディストレス、その対処法に関する研究
  • 写真投影法を用いた公的自己および私的自己に関する検討
  • 心理職の持つ精神疾患患者への偏見と臨床活動への影響
  • 大学生を対象とした睡眠衛生教育プログラムが睡眠にもたらす効果の検討
  • ミックスの子どものボディイメージの変容プロセスについて
  • ケアラーにおけるオンラインコミュニティへの参加体験に関する研究
  • 親の再婚を経験した継子と相談することへの抵抗感
  • 認知症予防カフェへの参加継続意思に寄与する要因の検討
  • 精神分析的心理療法家の達成度を測定する自己評価尺度の開発
  • 認知機能低下初期段階にある者と共に生きる家族がたどる心理的プロセス ― 続柄による特徴に注目して
  • WISC-Vにおける回答プロセスと学習場面における困りごとの関連について
  • 教師特有のビリーフが形成される過程
  • 乳幼児期発症の1型糖尿病の自己管理を促進するものと難しくするものに関する質的研究 ―
  • 自己管理に伴う親の迷いや悩みに着目して ―

Doctoral Dissertation

  • ロールシャッハ法における検査者の実感の活用と臨床的作用について
  • 精神分析の理解にもとづく支持的心理療法 ― 支持と洞察の二分法を超えて ―
  • 精神疾患に対する信念の文化的多様性 ― インドネシア人ムスリムと日本人の比較 ―

Educational Policies

Master’s Program

With an aim to foster human resources who can, for the purpose of achieving a society that protects human dignity based on Christian humanism, crystalize the output of such academic studies in the form of research based on an understanding of knowledge pertaining to psychological studies and the acquisition and practice of research methods, and thus contribute to society as an expert or professional of psychological studies, the
Master’s Program in Psychology sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who fulfill the graduation requirements and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.

  1. In both Psychological Science Course and Clinical Psychology Course, a demonstrative understanding of the role of the mind; an understanding of the universality of the mind and behavior as well as its diversity and plasticity; and an understanding of the social role of psychological studies
  2. As an expert, for the purpose of achieving the founding spirit of “Sophia-Bringing the World Together,” the knowledge and skills that can be used in both basic and clinical fields (medicine, education, welfare, etc.) and the ability to communicate them accurately
  3. Broad range of findings that will enable collaboration with various other fields and job categories
  4. The ability to compile a master’s thesis based on the results of deepening one’s field of expertise and making presentations at academic meetings, and to communicate to a wide audience

Doctoral Program

For the purpose of achieving a society that protects human dignity based on Christian humanism, the Doctoral Program in Psychology will nurture students who can understand knowledge pertaining to psychological studies, acquire and practice research methods, crystalize the output of such academic studies in the form of research, and explore research questions in the form of academic papers. It aims to foster human resources who can contribute to society as a researcher or educator by using their expertise and professional experience in exploring “the mind” from a comprehensive perspective, and thus contribute to society as a researcher and educator. The Doctoral Program in Psychology therefore sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who fulfill the graduation requirements and pass their dissertation defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma

  1. The ability to explore findings in various fields of psychology and to become a researcher with a clinical perspective and practitioner with a researcher’s perspective
  2. The ability, as an expert, to help people in various situations based on a scientific perspective
  3. The ability to pursue one’s disciplinary specialty and to compile conclusions in a dissertation drawing on submissions to academic journals and presentations at academic meetings, as well as communication skills that can reach a wide audience
  4. The capacity to contribute to solving urgent issues such as medical issues that require collaboration among different sectors

Master’s Program

In accordance with the diploma policy, with an aim to foster people who can understand the structure and functions of the mind and behavior and contribute to wide society using psychological expertise and skills, the Master’s Program in Psychology offers two courses, the Clinical Psychology Program and Basic Psychology Program, and constructs its curriculum with courses aligned to the following purposes:

  1. With an aim to establish the foundations of an expert in psychology, offer courses on research methodology and courses on the various disciplines of psychology during the first and second years.
  2. Offer an Academic Writing Seminar where students can develop their learning into research activities during the first and second years.
  3. In the Clinical Psychology Program, offer compulsory courses that allow students to acquire the various knowledge and skills required of a clinical psychiatrist through learning about concrete clinical cases and building on such knowledge and techniques through practical training and practice
  4. Offer Practical Training Courses that allow students to deepen their learning through instructing or tutoring undergraduate students.

Doctoral Program

In accordance with the diploma policy, with an aim to let students acquire psychological research methods ranging from the basics to applied studies as well as highly advanced state-of-the-art knowledge so that they can utilize their expert knowledge and experience in pursuing “the mind” from a comprehensive perspective and make social contributions as researchers, educators, and clinical psychiatrists, the Doctoral Program in Psychology constructs its curriculum with courses aligned to the following purposes:

  1. Offer lecture-based courses and Academic Writing Seminars throughout the first, second and third years to allow students to acquire the state-of-the-art knowledge and specialized skills required of a researcher, educator or clinical practitioner of psychology.
  2. Have students write two peer-reviewed academic papers before presenting their dissertation outlines. This will require using academic meetings and other opportunities to present research at academic meetings and work with other researchers.
  3. Have students tutor undergraduate and Master’s students in psychologic research methods to deepen their psychological knowledge and skills as well as acquire the skills to communicate their knowledge and skills to others as researchers, educators or clinical psychologists.
  4. Permit students to take collaborative courses offered under the four-university partnership (Sophia University, Jikei University School of Medicine, Showa University and Hoshi University) as Cancer Care Courses

Master’s Program

The Master’s Program in Psychology seeks students with the following qualities:

  1. The Master’s Program in Psychology aims to have students acquire high expertise in psychology ranging from basic to applied fields, skills to collect and analyze demonstrative data, as well as clinical and practical knowledge and skills. Therefore the Program seeks students who are highly motivated and bear the skills to autonomously pursue research as psychological experts
  2. Students who respect human dignity and are capable of looking upon others warmly, and at the same time have the sense to logically and objectively analyze phenomena.
  3. Students who are motivated to acquire knowledge, think flexibly and cooperate with various experts to be able to engage in discussion on equal footing with experts from other fields on various practical occasions in the future

Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program in Psychology seeks students with the following qualities:

  1. Students with high expertise in psychology ranging from basic to applied fields as well as skills to collect and analyze demonstrative data and clinical and practical knowledge and skills
  2. Students who respect human dignity and are capable of looking upon others warmly, and at the same time have the sense to logically and objectively analyze phenomena, and therefore promise to become a leading researcher, educator and practitioner in psychology
  3. Students who can compile their high expertise and research outcomes in psychology into an academic paper and communicate it to others

Faculty Members

Takashi OKADA Professor

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Azusa SAITO Associate Professor

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Atsuko SAITO Associate Professor

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Ibuki MOHRI Associate Professor

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Satoshi YOSHIMURA Professor

Sophia University

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