Semester Classification and Class Schedule

Sophia University has adopted a combined semester-quarter system* as its academic year division to improve student mobility. This system makes it easier for students to adjust to their academic year abroad, accommodate a variety of study abroad patterns, and participate in overseas internships and other programs. In addition, we have introduced a number of classes that are expected to enhance learning, such as 100-minute classes, in which the first half of the class is devoted to lectures and the second half to discussions and other exercises in an active learning style, and short-term intensive classes that meet twice a week for seven weeks and are completed in quarters.

*The quarter system is a four-semester system that divides the semester period of the traditional semester system (two semesters of spring and fall semesters) in half.

Establishment of the Sophia Quarter Abroad

Quarter Period 1Q 2Q Summer Holiday 3Q 4Q Spring Holiday
April – June June – July August – September September – November December – January February – March
7 weeks 7 weeks about two months 7 weeks 7 weeks about two months
Semester Period Spring Semester Summer Holiday Fall Semester Spring Holiday
April – July August – September September – January February – March
14 weeks about two months 14 weeks about two months

A certain number of quarter courses are concentrated in specific years and semesters (mainly in the spring semester of the junior year/1Q and 2Q) in accordance with the curriculum of each department. This period is called “Sophia Quarter Abroad” and includes vacation periods to facilitate practical study abroad, internships, and service learning.

※In the academic calendar, the summer vacation period is included in the spring semester and 2Q, and the spring vacation period in the fall semester and 4Q.

Advantages of the combined semester/quarter system

  1. Easier for current students to adjust to the annual schedule of overseas universities and to participate in summer programs offered by overseas universities
  2. Students who returned to Japan mid-semester from a long-term study abroad program were previously unable to take classes until the next semester, but by offering multiple courses in a quarter, students can now resume earning credits
  3. More global participation in education and research activities can be expected as it will be easier to accept international students and researchers from abroad to Sophia University

Implementing 100-minute Class Periods

Period Schedule
1st period 9:00~10:40
2nd period 10:55~12:35
Lunch Break 12:35~13:30
3rd Period 13:30~15:10
4th Period 15:25~17:05
5th Period 17:20~19:00
6th Period 19:10~20:50

In line with the combined semester-quarter system, we have introduced a 100-minute class schedule. While meeting the standard of class hours required to earn credits, the summer and spring vacation periods are still available for short-term study abroad and volunteer activities.

Sophia University

For Others, With Others