Career Development Support

What do you see yourself doing after graduating from university?

University is a period of preparation to enter the workforce and a place where you can broaden your appeal and expand your possibilities. At Sophia University, we believe that every aspect of your student life will lead to your future career; Our faculty and staff fully support you in your various endeavors.

The Three Points of Career Design

Sophia University supports students in building a foundation for entering the workforce in the following three areas so that they can make the most of the abilities and aptitudes they have honed throughout their four years at the University.

Sophia’s foundational approach is to “Develop Yourself and Expand your Possibilities.” The most important aspect of University is to accumulate new challenges and experiences in your daily student life, such as studying, extracurricular activities, studying abroad, part-time jobs, and volunteer activities. Sophia University’s environment allows students to design their future careers from their first year, rather than rushed preparations from the third year.

1. Create Yourself, Expand Your Possibilities

When choosing a career path or occupation, the most important thing is to know yourself well. What skills will you use in society and in what way? What do you want to do and what can you do? Where can you put your skills into practice? We offer programs that will help you think about these questions independently and provide you with the opportunity to take action.

2. Envision your Future Self

A wide range of programs will be held to learn about the nature of work and its rewards, including internships and exchange meetings with alumni. Students will deepen their understanding of the industry and companies, and get an idea of what it is like to work in the world.

3. Taking Action Towards Your Goals

Programs mainly for 3rd and 4th year students that provides a practical guide to prepare for job hunting, including guidance on basic job-hunting matters and preparation for written tests, entry sheets, and interviews.

Career Center Support

The Career Center provides comprehensive support for career development, from information to advice, including various types of guidance and individual counseling for career choices. You can inquire about job offers received by the university, refer to alumni, browse books, and obtain the information you need to find a job.

Career Center

Building 2, 1st floor

Details of the Support System

Individual consultations, which are utilized by approximately 5,000 students every year, provide advice on various concerns related to career paths and employment. In the consultations, students look at themselves objectively and receive advice to help them gain new insights and grow.

General questions can be asked at the Career Center counter.

Posters for guidance and seminars held by the Career Center, as well as information on noteworthy on-and off-campus events and company information sessions are posted here. In addition to science and engineering students, there is also a section with information for U-turn applicants and students with disabilities.

Noteworthy information is also posted by genre or target, such as mass media, civil service, teaching, international fields, and international students. Materials that can be taken home freely are also placed for easy comparison.

To deepen your understanding of a future career, it is useful to meet alumni. At the Career Center, you can search for job information of University almni from the computer space and file browsing corner. Only current Sophia University students may view this information.

Located here are the reports of our seniors who have completed their job-hunting activities. The reports are full of hints that only those who have experienced job hunting can pass on, such as the schedule of employment examinations, trends in the selection process, and how they overcame their anxieties and worries.

This site is open only to Sophia University students and provides information on jobs and internships delivered to the university. It features a relatively large number of jobs that require the use of foreign languages. Please use Caritas UC for job and internship application information.

Reference books on self-analysis and written examinations, books useful for researching industries and companies (Company Quarterly, industry maps, economic magazines), etc. are available. You can also obtain information related to job hunting in general here.

Three private rooms (Telecubes) are set up in the Career Center to provide an environment for web interviews, interview video recording, and more. The rooms are equipped with lighting, power supply, smart phone folders, and Wi-Fi to ensure a smooth interview environment.

The Web Career Center is a portal site for all the information from the Career Center, sent out as needed. (This site is for Sophia University students only. For more information, please visit Web Piloti)

Please refer to Web Piloti for information on how to use the system for current students.

Sophia University

For Others, With Others