from the wish of
St. Francis Xavier
to the present

History ofSophia University
Transition from the wish of St. Francis Xavier to the present
Phase 1
From 1549 to 1913
From St. Francis Xavier's arrival in Japan to the founding of Sophia University

St. Francis Xavier comes to Japan
- St. Francis Xavier was impressed by the qualities of Japanese people and requested to establish higher educational institution in Japan in his letter to the Society of Jesus, which lead to the foundation of Sophia University.
Request from Pope Pius X to establish a Catholic university in Japan
- The Society of Jesus accepts the Pope Pius X’s request
Three Jesuit priests arrive in Japan to found a university
Sophia School Corporation (Jochi Gakuin) formed.
- The name Jochi is taken from the Japanese text of the Catholic prayer called The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. One of the titles given to Mary in this litany is ‘Seat of Wisdom’. The Japanese word used for wisdom is Jochi.
Purchase of land for campus in Kioi-cho, Tokyo.
Phase 2
From 1913 to 2013
Celebrating 100 years since the founding of Sophia University

Ministry of Education approves establishment of Sophia University under Special School Law, with 3 departments: Philosophy, German Literature, and commerce.
- Fr. Hermann Hoffmann assumes office as first President of Sophia.
- The school badge is designed.
Red-brick main building completed. (Burned down at Air Raid on Tokyo, April 1945)
The first graduation ceremony (nine students graduate).
- S.J. House completed
- Red-brick main building heavily damaged in Great Kanto Earthquake and its aftershocks.
Sophia recognized as full-fledged university under University Law
- Departments of Philosophy and Literature of Faculty of Humanities and department of Commerce of Faculty of Commerce established.
- The Faculty of Commerce is re-organized. It includes the Department of Economics and the Department of Commerce.
Building No.1 completed
- Night-school program established with sections in Economics, Commerce, Law, and Journalism (discontinued March 1951).
- Official school song was made.
Official school flag adopted.
First study-abroad
- First study-abroad student dispatched to Georgetown University.
- Yatsugatake Lodge completed.
Names former Takashima House on campus to Kulturheim (culture house)
To introduce western culture, lecture series on cultural topics were hold in Kulturheim (Culture House). These activities were the foundation for the various outreach programs in the postwar period.
- Sophia University Alumni Association officially established.
Monumenta Nipponica, a Western-language academic journal on Japan, launched.
- Sophia’s oldest journal, one of the premier academic journals in the international world of Japanese studies.
- Department of History added to Faculty of Literature.
- Open Lecture (forerunner of Sophia Community College) established.
- University festival held (forerunner of Sophia Festival).
- Shakujii campus opened.
Sophia University begins operation under provisions of postwar School Education Law.
- Departments of Philosophy, History, English Literature, German Literature, and Journalism of Faculty of Humanities and Departments of Economics and Commerce of Faculty of Economics established.
- International Division founded (classes taught in English; forerunner of current Faculty of Liberal Arts).
- Sanada Moat Athletic Ground opened.
- Student Body Association formed.
- Sophia School Corporation changes status from corporation (zaimu hojin) to academic legal entity (gakko hojin) according to provisions of Private School Law.
- Graduate schools (offering master’s degrees) established in Theology, Philosophy, Western Culture, and Economics.
- Department of Education added to Faculty of Humanities.
- Library, Graduate School Building (Building L) completed. (demolished 1992)
- Department of Foreign Languages (English, German, French, and Spanish) added to Faculty of Humanities.
- Doctoral programs established in graduate schools of Theology (Systematic Theology), Philosophy (Philosophy), Western Culture (English and American Literature, German Literature), and Economics (Economic Systems and Organizations).
- Sophia House completed (demolished 2006).
- Faculty of Law established with department of Law.
- Russian major added to Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities.
- First female students (four transfer students) admitted.
- Student dormitory (for men) opened with in Sophia House (Closed 2005)
- Building for Faculty of Law (forerunner of Building No.2) Completed (Demolished 1992)
- Faculty of Theology established (with Department of Theology).
- Department of Foreign Languages becomes Faculty of Foreign Studies (with departments of English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian).
- Department of Japanese Literature added to Faculty of Humanities.
- Building for Faculty of Theology completed on Shakujii Campus.
- First Sophia-Nanzan Sports Festival held.
- Meisen Women’s Dormitory completed (closed 2001).
- Faculty of Science and Technology established (with departments of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry).
- Building No.3, Previous Krupp Hall Completed (Relocated to new building in 1979)
- Sophia University celebrates fiftieth anniversary.
- Hodaigi Lodge Completed.
- Department of Portuguese added to Faculty of Foreign Studies.
- Sophia University Special Course in Social Welfare launched as night school program. (closed 2022)
- Department of Mathematics added to Faculty of Science and Technology.
- Building No.4, Machine Hall Completed.
- Department of French Literature and Department of Sociology added to Faculty of Humanities.
- Graduate schools established in Law (Master’s Program in Law) and Science and Technology (Master’s programs in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, and Physics).
- Master’s programs in Graduate School of Western Culture reorganized under aegis of Graduate School of Humanities (with master’s degrees in History, English and American Literature, and German Literature).
- Doctoral programs in Graduate School of Western Culture reorganized under aegis of Graduate School of Humanities (with doctoral degrees in English and American Literature and German Literature).
- Admission by recommendations started.
- Television Center opened.
- First orientation camp held for incoming freshmen.
- Sophia University Special Course in Social Welfare launched (closed 2022)
- Parents’ meeting held in Tokyo (later expanded to regional parents’ meetings).
- Office for Electronic Computing Machine is opened (current ICT Office).
- Building No.5 Completed (Demolished 1981)
- Department of Commerce renamed Department of Management.
- Master’s programs in Japanese Literature and French Literature added to Graduate School of Humanities.
- Doctoral programs in Education and Japanese History added to Graduate School of Humanities.
- Doctoral programs in Law added to Graduate School of Law and in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, and Physics to Graduate School of Science and Technology.
- Hadano Campus athletic ground completed.
- Zenkyoto students occupy and barricade campus building
- University removes students activist barricades and declares six-month lockout (lifted April 1969).
- Following general meeting of students, faculty, and staff, lockout terminated.
- Master’s Program in Mathematics added to Graduate School of Science and Technology.
- Buildings No.6 and No.7 completed (No.6 demolished 2008).
- Master’s Program in Linguistics established within Graduate School of Foreign Studies.
- Doctoral Program in Japanese Literature added to Graduate School of Humanities.
- Special admissions programs inaugurated for students returning from abroad and foreign students.
- Master’s programs established in Journalism (Graduate School of Humanities) and in International Relations (Graduate School of Foreign Studies).
- Doctoral Program established in French Literature and History (Graduate School of Humanities)
- Building No.8 and gymnasium completed.
- Master’s Program in Sociology (Graduate School of Humanities) and Doctoral Program in Mathematics (Graduate School of Science and Technology) established.
- Celebration of sixtieth anniversary of founding of Sophia University.
- Sophia Junior College founded.
- Doctoral programs established in Linguistics and in International Relations (Faculty of Foreign Studies).
- Sophia University Parents’ Association established.
Ichigaya Campus completed (Closed 2019)
- Department of Japanese Language and Culture (classes taught in English) added to Faculty of Foreign Studies.
- Departments of Psychology and Social Services added to Faculty of Humanities.
- Sophia Community College launched (closed in 2020).
- Sophia Junior College Alumnae Association founded.
- Department of Japanese Language and Culture (Faculty of Foreign Studies) renamed Department of Comparative Culture.
- Building No.9 (Cafeteria at B1 floor) completed.
- Master’s Program in Biology established (Graduate School of Science and Technology).
- Master’s Program in Comparative Culture (taught in English) established (Graduate School of Foreign Studies).
- New Krupp Hall, Power Station, and underground utility pathway constructed.
- Department of International Legal Studies added to Faculty of Law.
- Hoffman Hall completed.
- Enoki Women’s Dormitory completed (closed 2008).
- International Division closed.
Pope John Paul II visits Sophia University
Mother Theresa visits Sophia University (visits again in 1982 and 1984)
- Doctoral Program in Biology established (Faculty of Science and Technology).
- Building No.10 completed.
- Central Library with space for research institutes completed.
- Faculty office building on Ichigaya Campus completed.
- Master’s Program in Linguistics (Communication Disorders) added to Graduate School of Foreign Studies (change name to Speech-hearing Research course in 2007).
- Department of Comparative Culture (Faculty of Foreign Studies) becomes the independent Faculty of Comparative Culture (comprising departments of Comparative Culture and Japanese Language Studies; classes taught in English).
- Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of founding of Sophia University.
- Master’s Program in Psychology established (Graduate School of Humanities).
- Building No.11 and Jochi Kioizaka Building completed.
- Doctoral Program in Psychology added (Graduate School of Humanities).
- Sophia University Angkor Wat Training Center established in Cambodia. (Current Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development)
- Department of Legal Studies of the Global Environment added to Faculty of Law.
- Master’s and doctoral programs in Area Studies established (Graduate School of Foreign Studies).
- Karuizawa Seminar House completed.
- Sophia University Press founded.
- Center for the Teaching of Foreign Language established. (current Center for Language Education and Research)
- Clinical Psychology specialization created within Master’s Program in Psychology (Graduate School of Humanities).
- Sophia University Angkor Wat Training Center renamed Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development.
- Juris Doctor Program (Law School) established.
- Departments of Education, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Services moved from Faculty of Humanities to form new Faculty of Human Sciences.
- Master’s and doctoral programs in Education, Psychology, and Sociology moved from Graduate School of Humanities to form new Graduate School of Human Sciences; master’s and doctoral programs in Social Services added to new graduate school.
- Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies established with master’s and doctoral programs.
- New Building No. 2 and Sophia Edagawa Men’s Dormitory completed.
- Faculty of Comparative Culture (departments of Comparative Culture, Japanese Language and Studies) reorganized as Faculty of Liberal Arts (Department of Liberal Arts) and moves from Ichigaya to the Yotsuya Campus.
- Master’s and doctoral programs in International Relations and in Area Studies and Master’s Program in Comparative Culture moved from Graduate School of Foreign Studies to form new Graduate School of Global Studies. Master’s Program in Comparative Culture renamed Master’s Program in Global Studies and doctoral program added (taught in English).
- Master’s Program in Linguistics (TESOL) added to Graduate School of Foreign Studies.
- Doctoral Program in Economic Systems and Organization (Graduate School of Economics) divided into Doctoral Program in Economics and Doctoral Program in Management. Master’s Program in Management added.
- Building No. 12 completed.
- Faculty of Science and Technology reorganizes departments of Mechanical Engineering, Electric and Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry into departments of Materials and Life Science, Engineering and Applied Science, and Information and Communication Science.
- Graduate School of Science and Technology consolidates programs in Mechanical Engineering, Electric and Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry into master’s and doctoral programs in Science and Technology.
- Academic legal entity Seibo Gakuen merged with Sophia School Corporation.
- Department of Nursing added to Faculty of Human Sciences.
- Master’s Program in Nursing added to Graduate School of Human Sciences.
- Master’s and Doctoral Program in Cultural Interaction added to Graduate School of Humanities.
- International Graduate Course in Global Environmental Studies (taught in English) established within Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies.
- Osaka Satellite Campus established.
- Building No.1 completed at Mejiro Seibo Campus.
- Sophia Soshigaya International House dormitory opened.
- Bachelor’s programs in Green Science and Green Engineering (taught in English) established in Faculty of Science and Technology.
- Center for the Teaching of Foreign Language reorganized as Center for Language Education and Research.
- Sophia University Luxembourg Office established.
Phase 3
From 2013 to 2022
Moving on to a new stage in celebrating our centennial anniversary

- Celebration of one hundredth anniversary of founding of Sophia University.
- Adopted for the Top Global University Project by MEXT.
- Faculty of Global Studies, department of Global Studies established.
- Master’s Program in Linguistics (Japanese Language Education) added to Graduate School of Foreign Studies.
- Course of Midwifery established.
- Sophia Institute of International Relations established.
- Purchase Building No. 13
- Human Resources Center for International Cooperation established.
- Sophia University Cologne Office established.
- Sophia University New York Office established.
New Building No. 6 (Sophia Tower) completed.
- Master’s Program in Death and Life Studies, Graduate School of Applied Religious Studies established.
- Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Philosophy relocates from Graduate School of Literature to Graduate School of Philosophy.
- Graduate School of Foreign Studies changed name to Graduate School of Language and Linguistics.
- Doctoral Program in Death and Life Studies (Graduate School of Applied Religious Studies) established.
Pope Francis visits Sophia University.
- Sophia Arrupe International Residence opened.
- Sophia Global Education and Discovery Co.,Ltd. established. Established in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Purchase Building No. 14.
- Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures (SPSF) launched in the departments of Education, Sociology, Economics, and Global Studies.
- All the classes conducted on-line due to Covid-19 pandemic (back to face-to-face in 2022).
- Sophia Professional Studies Program for adults launched.
- Sophia Community College (Adult courses) closed.
- Center for Liberal Education and Learning established.
- Department of Journalism added to Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures (SPSF) .
- Department of Management added to Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures (SPSF) .
- Building No. 15 completed.