Australia-Japan Student Policy Summit with Australia National University held in Canberra

From March 18 to 22, the Australia-Japan Student Policy Summit was held in Canberra, the capital city of Australia, in collaboration with the Australian National University (ANU).


Conducted as a pilot in preparation for its inclusion in the 2024 academic curriculum, this summit was attended by 19 students: 12 from ANU and 7 from Sophia University.

The summit aims to address social issues faced by both Australia and Japan, with participants from both countries collaboratively drafting a communiqué on a different theme each year. The goal is to solve these social challenges and achieve an ideal society.

The theme for this inaugural 2023 program was “Diversity and Inclusion.” Participants engaged in pre-program studies tailored to their interests, focusing on topics such as indigenous populations, sexual diversity, and educational diversity. On the first day, each student delivered a presentation based on their preparatory studies.

In the first half of the program, students attended lectures from eight professors from both universities. They participated in panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and group discussions, actively identifying and exchanging views on social issues in both countries in preparation for drafting the communiqué.

At the closing ceremony on the final day, a representative from each university shared their insights and aspirations for the society they envision in the future. All participants then presented the communiqué.

The communiqué centered on four key themes: 1) Education, 2) Dialogue, 3) Funding and support for indigenous communities, and 4) Accountability and policy review. The summit concluded with a commitment to fostering diverse perspectives and identities, creating an environment free from discrimination, and striving for a society that is more equitable.

In preparation for the summit, students dedicated significant time to reading nearly 100 pages of materials and preparing their 15-minute individual presentations.

Despite the challenges, participants expressed that the experience provided valuable insights. One student remarked, “Through this new learning experience, I realized that we can each contribute to solving social issues by deepening our communication with those around us.”

Sophia University

For Others, With Others