Basic Rules for Preventing the Spread of Infection While on Campus
Beginning on Monday July 6 onward, we will be partly easing restrictions for on-campus activities. To coincide with this, we are announcing the following basic rules for preventing the spread of infection while on campus. Please note however, that individual additions to these rules may occur, please observe these rules and ensure that you are taking all required precautions.
∗ These rules may be periodically updated and revised.
1. Health management and actions
- Make sure that those who are not feeling well do not participate. Please make sure that you do not come to campus if you have a fever, respiratory symptoms, malaise, any other symptoms of a cold, or olfactory or taste disorder.
Even if you have received permission to enter the campus you will be unable to enter the campus with any of the above symptoms. - Wear a mask at all times. When working outside our under high temperature, take alternative measures. If you cannot find a mask, please contact the Health Center in advance.
- Do not stay on campus for longer than required. When you have finished your task please leave the campus.
- Do not enter any building or office that you have not received permission to enter.
- Use the hand sanitizer at the entrance of each facility to disinfect your hands upon entrance.
- Wash your hands. When you have touched shared items or equipment, wash your hands before touching your face.
- Do not share tools. (If you must share tools, sterilize them before use)
2. Room management
- In order to avoid the 3Cs, determine the maximum number of people to occupy each room (around one-third of room capacity).
- Sufficient distancing (around 2 meters, a minimum of 1 meter) should be secured and working in person with others should be avoided as much as possible (including meetings, etc.)
- Keep a record of users (name of user, time of entrance and exit) of research rooms, laboratories.
- Leave the door open when possible and ventilate the room for 10 minutes per hour.
- Food should not be eaten at the same time in a small room.
3. When infection is suspected
- Take your temperature before leaving home and refrain from coming to campus if you feel the slightest sign of illness. Consult with a medical institution and report to your research advisor.
- If you should become sick on campus or during commute, do not force yourself to continue, please return home. If you are undecided about seeing a doctor, call the Health Center on campus.
- When you have become infected with the novel coronavirus or when you suspect infection, report to the Health Center.
∗ How to report when infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)