The institute was established on October 1, 2009, as one of the centennial projects of Sophia University, and in commemoration of the outstanding achievements of Dr. Jun-ichi Nishizawa. The institute will lead research in related fields of semiconductor electronics, basic electronics, and basic physical properties and thereby fulfill its mission of contributing to the academic and cultural development in Japan.


The Semiconductor Research Institute aims to develop innovative next-generation semiconductor technologies that can contribute to the construction of a sustainable society, mainly through activity of semiconductor researchers in the Faculty of Science and Technology of Sophia University. Currently, we are mainly supporting a joint research project with a company, “Research on nanocolumn laser devices,” in collaboration with the Nanotechnology Research Center (Project Research Division, Director: Prof. K. Kishino). The nanocolumns, which are the core of this theme, are a technology developed by Sophia University, and the research is being conducted to overcome the technical challenges faced by nitride semiconductors through the nanocrystal effect and to realize new energy- and environment-friendly devices. In addition, the Semiconductor Research Institute plays an important role as a base for establishing an efficient research collaboration between semiconductor researchers in the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Sophia University and outside the university, in cooperation with the Photonics Research Center (Project Research Division, Director: Prof. A. Kikuchi)

Sophia University

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