A joint career seminar was held on Friday, October 6, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the International Conference Hall on the 17th floor of Building 2.
The seminar was jointly hosted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), all of which operate in Tokyo, in conjunction with Sophia University. After the opening remarks by President Yoshiaki Terumichi of Sophia University, Mr. Takahiro Tsuda, Director of Multilateral Development Banks Division, Ministry of Finance, which supported this event, extended his greetings.
Then, Mr. Toshio Oya, Councillor of Cabinet Secretariat gave a keynote speech in which he explained in detail about collaboration with Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and their role in the global community, based on his own experience working for those institutions. He also delivered an encouraging message to those who aspire to work for these institutions, stating that “Nothing is too late to learn; find what only you are capable of doing.”
Following the keynote speeches, presentations on the features and career paths offered by each institution were given by four representatives: Ms. Yumiko Tamura, Representative of ADB Japanese Representative Office; Mr. Naoshige Kinoshita, Deputy Head of AfDB Asia External Representation Office; Mr. Shin Oya, Diretor of EBRD Head of Tokyo Office; and Mr. Hideharu Tanaka, Country Representative of IDB Office in Asia. Prior to the presentations by the four speakers, Vice President for the Global Academic Affairs Tetsuro Morishita, who moderated the event, gave an overview of MDBs and the relationship between these four institutions and Sophia University. After the presentations given by each institution, the panel discussion focused on what each speaker wished to convey to those in attendance based on his or her own experiences.
During the Q&A session that followed, participants asked questions regarding their future career development as to selecting their first career, what disciplines and skills they should acquire, and more. The speakers shared insights based on their diverse range of experiences and suggested the essential qualifications that one should be equipped with in order to work for those institutions.
Sophia University has been working together with the ADB, AfDB, EBRD, and IDB in a various area, including jointly hosting seminars, symposiums, and other events, and providing lectures on internship courses and conducting practical training. We will continue to seek to further enhance collaboration through our educational efforts.