Master’s (Doctoral) Program in Science and Technology / Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division specializes in semiconductors, energy, and information and telecommunication. The division aims to support the foundation for a diverse society and lifestyles, and to contribute to their sustainable development through advanced, interdisciplinary, and international academic studies, and engineering research.
In the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division of the Graduate Program in Science and Technology, the curriculum and research guidance system are designed to cultivate not only specialized knowledge but also intellectual foundation to deal with new developments in the future, including the SDGs. Taking advantage of our location in the center of Tokyo, students are also actively involved in collaborations with research institutes and companies in Japan and abroad. Graduate students actively share their research through papers and academic conferences both in Japan and abroad.
The Master’s Program fosters engineers and researchers who can acquire cutting-edge expertise and engage in the development of new technologies. The Doctoral Program nurtures independent researchers who can perform their skills on a global scale. In fact, graduates of both programs are extremely successful in finding employment and they pursue careers as professionals in a wide range of fields.
- New Energy System
- Application of Superconductivity
- Magnetic Levitation System
- Natural Energy Power Generation
- Information and Communication
- IoT/AI Network
- Wireless Communication System
- Fiber Optic Communication System
- Optical Measurement and Sensing
- Semiconductor Engineering/Devices
- Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit
- Nanostructured Devices
- Inorganic and Organic Devices
- Crystal Growth Design and Engineering
- Optoelectronics
- Semiconductor Laser/LED
- Nanocolumns
- Light Control Device
- Solar Cell
Granted Degree
Available Teaching Licenses and Subjects
- Junior High School Specialized Teacher (Science and Mathematics)
- High School Specialized Teacher (Mathematics, Science, Industry, and Information)
*Only Master’s degree program students are eligible to obtain a teaching license. In addition, only subjects for which a Type 1 license has already been obtained or for which the requirements for obtaining a Type 1 license have been met can be taken.
Program Features
Balance between Research, Education, and Application
The program provides research guidance and lectures to enhance students’ awareness of research methods and problems with the aim of helping them acquire rich leadership skills and creativity as well as basic academic knowledge to enable them to take leadership role in research and development. Students can participate in diverse joint experiments while staying overseas, and in intramural joint research with other divisions at Sophia University.
Research Activities Making a Global Leap Ahead
Graduate students receive instructions from faculty members and devote themselves to cutting-edge research with the aim of presenting their research on papers and international conferences. Research systems and facilities are being strengthened through joint research with companies and national research institution, and national research projects.
Design Your Own Graduate School
Changes occur continuously as a result of the development of new technologies in the field of electrical and electronic engineering, so students from other fields can also enter the program. In addition, graduate students who have achieved outstanding research results may complete their studies at an early stage. Students may also choose to study abroad on their own initiative, and Sophia University is working to provide an environment to reduce the financial burden on students.
Selected Thesis Topics
- Leap Motionを用いた機械学習による手数字動作の識別
- Wi-Fi CSI を用いた移動物体の物質と通過区間の推定
- 超小型ディスプレイ応用に向けたInGaN/GaNナノ・マイクロLEDアレイの作製
- ワイドギャップ半導体/空気DBR共振型波長変換デバイスの作製に向けた基礎研究
- 可視域メンブレン型GaNトポロジカルフォトニック結晶のFDTD解析・作製・評価
- 洋上ウィンドファームが連系された電力系統への超電導発電機の導入効果
- エアコンと電気自動車を用いた太陽光発電出力急変時の需給調整力の拡大
- インバータ連系電源の仮想同期発電機モデルの作成と系統における慣性効果
- シリコンプラットフォーム上III-V 族光デバイスの集積化
- シリコン基板上量子井戸レーザの発振特性
- InPナノワイヤを用いた太陽電池、人工葉の開発
- 磁気浮上鉄道を目指した高温超伝導バルクを用いる数千kg級の浮上システム
- ベクトラン繊維強化プラスチックによる超伝導コイルの熱的安定化の向上
- 洋上風力発電用の超伝導発電機の開発
- 導波路伝搬定数制御とその光回路への応用
- テラヘルツ波導波路およびその応用回路の研究
- 三値位相変調を用いた光通信方式に関する研究
- InGaNバルク活性層ナノコラムにおける発光スペクトル純度向上と⾼効率⾚⾊発光の実現
- ナノテンプレート選択成長法におけるInGaNバルク活性層ナノコラム成長メカニズムに関する研究
- 半導体微細加工技術を駆使した宇宙望遠鏡向け光学素子の開拓
- RF波によるCBRAMメモリ、ニューロモルフィックデバイスの制御
- 量子情報技術に適した材料の開拓・物性探求
- LNI-REBCOコイルに対する抵抗制御(RC)界面実装の有効性検証
- Cu-CWショート法を用いたHTS コイルの熱的安定性
- JT- 60 SA PFコイルにおける共振現象及び過渡応答が導体間電圧に与える影響
- InP 基板上Ⅱ-Ⅵ族半導体の開発とデバイス応用
- フルカラー発光デバイスの開発
- 新しいヘテロ接合デバイスの開発
- オープンスタブ及びショートスタブを用いた非等分配ラットレース回路の広帯域整合に関する研究
- 総所要時間の不確実性を考慮した架線レス鉄道システムの運行計画最適化
- 直流電気鉄道に接続された EV 充電システムによって蓄電された回生電力量の評価
- 変電所脱落時における鉄道のレジリエンスと列車運転法
- 液体水素間接冷却MgB2コイル特性と有限要素法による安定性解析
- サーミスタによる伝熱を利用した大型CIC導体の素線軌道計測の手法開発
- LNI REBCOコイルのクエンチ時の挙動とメカニズムに関する基礎的研究
Educational Policies
Master’s Program
With an aim to foster human resources who can serve the advancement of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and associated fields and contribute to developing human society and conserving the global environment, the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division (Master’s Program) sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who fulfill the requirements and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.
- The ability to multidimensionally identify how technology can impact human society and the global environment, acquired by studying a wide range of disciplines, including natural science disciplines beyond one’s disciplinary specialty or interdisciplinary fields covering the social sciences
- The ability to acquire expertise that enables one to play an active role at the forefront of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and associated fields as well as to develop new technologies and explore new fields
- A level of English proficiency that enables high performance in society and accommodates further developments in globalization
- The ability to put together a master’s thesis with high academic value with a consistent logical structure of the research in and around one’s field
Doctoral Program
With an aim to foster human resources who have acquired high expertise in Electrical and Electronics Engineering as well as the interdisciplinary competence to comprehensively understand the associated impacts on human society and the global environment, and can thus conduct research and development independently in their field of expertise, the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division (Doctoral Program) sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who fulfill the requirements and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.
- The ability to multidimensionally identify how technology can affect human society and the global environment, acquired by studying not only one’s disciplinary specialty, but also a wide range of disciplines, including associated interdisciplinary fields
- The ability to acquire expertise that enables one to independently play an active role at the forefront of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and associated fields as well as to creatively conduct research and development that will contribute to human evolution and wellbeing
- A level of English proficiency that enables one to stand on the forefront of globalization and independently lead international society
- The ability to put together a doctoral thesis with extremely high academic value based on a logical structure with a high level of originality on a wide range of themes surrounding a highly specialized research theme that is recognized by an academic society through original papers and other contributions.
Master’s Program
The Electrical and Electronic Engineering Division (Master’s Program) seeks to cultivate the ability to contribute to the further development of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and associated disciplines, as well as to the development of human society and global environment conservation, by having students take courses in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and other divisions and receive research guidance.
- Students will take courses in divisions other than Electrical and Electronics Engineering as well as general science and engineering courses to acquire broad knowledge of disciplines other than their disciplinary specialty
- Students will take courses offered by the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Division, including those associated with semiconductors, electric power and information communications, to acquire expertise in these disciplines. Furthermore, they will conduct research on a specific theme; and therefore acquire profound professional knowledge of their theme in a broad context and learn about research procedures, organization and ethics
- Students will improve their English proficiency by taking English for Science and Technology and English-taught courses, presenting research outcomes in English, and writing academic papers in English
Doctoral Program
The Electrical and Electronic Engineering Division (Doctoral Program) seeks to cultivate the ability to independently conduct research and development based on high expertise in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and broad knowledge of associated fields, by having students take Seminars and receive research guidance
- Students will read academic papers and commentaries in interdisciplinary fields other than Electrical and Electronic Engineering to acquire broad knowledge of these disciplines
- Students will conduct intensive research supported by research guidance provided by faculty; and therefore acquire profound expertise of their theme in a broad context, learn about research procedures, organization and ethics, and submit their dissertation as a culmination of their research
- Students will present their research outcomes in Japan and overseas in English, compile and submit academic papers in English, and conduct research at overseas institutions as required; and therefore, they will actively improve their communication skills
Master’s Program
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division (Master’s Program)seeks students with the following qualities:
- Students who have studied the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and are motivated to perform research
- Students who possess the standard academic skills in Electromagnetism, Electrical and Electronic Circuits, Physics and Mathematics required to study Electrical and Electronics Engineering and pursue research in the field
Doctoral Program
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division (Doctoral Program) seeks students with the following qualities:
- Students who are motivated to independently pursue creative research and development in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Students with the expertise and English skills required to independently pursue creative research and development in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Faculty Members
Masakatsu OGAWA Professor
Akihiko KIKUCHI Professor
Kazuya NAKAMURA Professor
Ichiro NOMURA Professor
Orie SAKAMOTO Associate Professor