Iberoamerican Institute

One of the leading centers for Latin American and Caribbean studies in Japan

The institute was established in 1964 to conduct research into the politics,
economies, society, history, arts, and culture of the Iberoamerican (Latin
America and the Caribbean) the region, and to serve as a center for academic
exchanges with universities and research institutes in the area. It is highly
regarded as one of the country’s leading research institutes in the field of Latin
American studies. The institute currently has 16 staff members, including
researchers and administrative personnel, and in its library boasts the rich
collection of approximately 40,000 books and 50 titles of academic journals on
the region covering history, politics, economics as well as geography, literature,
and the arts.

Principal activities

  • The Institute publishes two annual jounals (Iberoamericana and Encontros Lusófonos) and two monograph series (“Investigaciones Latinoamericanas” and “Latin American Monograph Series”). It publishes in its journal Iberoamericana a daily chronology of Latin American news and also compiles a database of articles published in the academic journals that our library has collected. The Institute holds symposia and lectures on special topics of interest to both academic specialists and a more general audience.
  • The institute has a rich network with universities and research institutes in Latin American countries. Through this network, we host visiting fellows from them, exchange publications, support visits and field works that our members carry out in the region. For further information on our activities, please visit our website (https://dept.sophia.ac.jp/is/ibero/; add “espanol” or “portugues” to get into the pages in Spanish or Portuguese, respectively).

Sophia University

For Others, With Others