2021 MIRAI2.0 Workshop in Materials Science (Digital) Final Program Update!
Date: Nov. 29 (Mon) to Dec. 1 (Wed), 2021
Time: SE 08:00-12:00/JP 16:00-20:00
Organisers: Uppsala University & Sophia University
Please register from HERE https://forms.office.com/r/LQMQ5pj5cV (closed)
Deadline: Nov. 28, 2021
Please refer to the attached file:MS Workshop 2021 New flyer (467.39 KB)
The detailed program:MS Workshop Final Program(52.88 KB)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link information of the workshop and a remainder email closer the workshop.
The MIRAI 2.0 Materials Science TEG will hold a digital workshop on Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2021.
This workshop is open to university affiliated members at the MIRAI 2.0 member universities and the researchers who participated in the Research & Innovation Week 2021.
Workshop Topics:
Electrons, Materials for Energy Devices, Materials for Sensing Applications, Neutrons, and Photons.
The MIRAI 2.0 Materials Science Workshop intends to prepare the next generation of researchers by creating research presentation opportunities for emerging researchers in Sweden and Japan.
The main objectives of the workshop are:
・To provide digital networking opportunities to emerging and established researchers who would become future leaders of joint Swedish and Japanese research activities in Materials Science.
・To enhance collaborations among emerging researchers.
・To continue a dialogue among Swedish and Japanese researchers, administrators, staff members, and students for upcoming collaborative initiatives.
・To promote cross-cultural understanding as the foundation for upcoming individual, organizational, and national collaborations.