Format of classes from July 12
Dear Students,
The Japanese government officially announced on July 8 that a State of Emergency will be declared once again in Tokyo. We are faced with regretful circumstances, as we had only resumed in-person classes after the State of Emergency was lifted in late June, and were just about to wrap up the spring semester. In spite of this, the number of cases of infection at Sophia University remains low, with only a few new cases daily, even after shifting to mainly in-person classes. In addition, we have not found any large-scale infection transmissions or clusters on campus, and thus believe that we have been able to maintain a certain level of infection control.
Therefore, for the remainder of the spring semester, three-weeks starting on Monday, July 12 (two weeks of classes and one week of exams), we will retain the current format of classes. Any changes made for special reasons will be posted on the class bulletin on Loyola by the professor in charge of the class.
Any students who have not applied for online classes who wish to join their classes online due to a change of circumstances should directly contact the professor in charge of each class to seek instructions.
*Change in announcement date of final examinations starting on July 24
The announcement of final examinations which was scheduled to be posted on Saturday, July 10 will be postponed to Monday, July 12 (early evening). We are aware that this change of schedule from what has already been announced in the Academic Handbook may cause some inconvenience. Please understand that this measure will be taken for the purpose of communicating accurate information.