Payment of Tuition for Spring Semester 2020
May 7, 2020
Sophia University
Payment of Tuition for Spring Semester 2020
The university has sent out the tuition bill on April 13th (except for newly enrolled students and students in Faculty of Liberal Arts) and the payment deadline has been set on May 11th. Due to the unforeseen situation that surrounds us, the university has decided to take deferred payment measures.
Deferred payment deadline: Friday, June 26th, 2020
*The deadline will be extended automatically to June 26th and there will be no need to notify the university if the payment is made after May 11th.
If we cannot confirm your payment by June 26th, the university will resend the tuition bill.
For inquiries, please contact: Center for Academic Affairs (Academic Records section)
Sophia University’s Support for Student-life and Online-classes
Financial aid for students with reduced income from part-time employment