(For current students) Results of questionnaire survey on online classes during the autumn semester
December 23rd, 2020
Juro Otsuka
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Thank you for your cooperation in sending your feedback on the questionnaire survey on online classes. A summary of the results is provided below:
While fewer students responded compared to the spring semester, we received many sincere comments. We are still challenged with the issues of overwhelming amounts of homework and a lack of exchange among students, but the overall level of satisfaction and understanding improved since the last survey, with more time on the faculty side to prepare for classes and more experience with online classes among both faculty and students. We received many individual comments that will be considered to make further and more specific improvements.
Although it is extremely difficult to judge when we will see an end to COVID-19 infections, Sophia University will offer classes principally in person in AY2021, with some courses with large numbers of registered students offered online. On the other hand, we have also witnessed the potential of online classes, which will be incorporated in university education in various forms. The results of the questionnaire surveys conducted in spring and autumn will be shared among faculty and staff for in-depth discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of online classes. We will harness these finding in our future activities.
You can see the results of the survey on the Loyola “University Bulletin Board” .
(Posted at 19:54, Decdember 23rd, 2020, “秋学期オンライン授業アンケートの結果について / Results of questionnaire survey on online classes” )