Financial Aid for Students Affected by COVID-19 Outbreak
Expansion of Financial Aid for Students with Sudden Household Financial Changes
May 20, 2020
Director, Center for Student Affairs
Sophia University
To Current Students and Parents/ Guarantors
I hope that you all are staying healthy and safe considering the current circumstances caused by the coronavirus outbreak.
In the announcement on April 28, “Sophia University’s Support for Student-life and Online-classes”, from the President of Sophia University, we will be reinforcing financial aid for students with sudden household financial changes.
Under these circumstances, Sophia University is expanding financial support for students (including international students not holding a “student” residence status) from households where the primary household income earner has experienced a sudden change in income. This is made possible by generous support from university benefactors.
*Additionally, in the April 28 announcement from the President of Sophia University, the University is also offering financial aid for students who are in distress due to reduced income from part-time employment. The application period is Monday May 11 to Friday May 22, please see Loyola for details.
[For Students who are in financial difficulty due to sudden change in household income] Sophia University Benefactor’s Scholarship (Sophia Campus Support & Sophia University Parents’ Association)
– For students (Japanese nationals or Foreign nationals not holding a “Student” residence status) from households where the primary household income earner has experienced a sudden change in income –
【Overview of aid program】
– Amount:
200,000 Yen or 100,000 Yen per person
*This scholarship is made possible by support from Sophia Campus Support and Sophia University Parents’ Association.
*A new 100,000 Yen scholarship has been introduced, and the total number of recipients has also been increased.
*Recipients will be decided by application screening.
– Eligible Students:
- Students whose households have experienced a sudden change in household income or expenses. (Currently enrolled students/Japanese nationals or foreign nationals not holding a “Student” residence status)
– Primary household income earner has had a sudden change in income due to unemployment, unpaid leave, or company financial difficulties
– Sudden change in household expenses due to long term medical treatment of family member(s)
– Primary household income earner has had a sudden change in household finances due to other reasons
- The sudden change in household finances must have occurred after January 2019.
- Reason for financial difficulty is not limited to those caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.
– Application Period:
Monday June 1 to Friday June 5
Application Guidelines have been posted on Loyola. Please check the Loyola scholarship bulletin board for details.
The university offers financial support for students with financial need due to sudden changes in household finances, “Sophia University Special Measures for Sudden Change in Household Income” and “Japanese Government Sponsored Tuition Reduction/Scholarships for Students with Sudden Change in Household Income”. Eligibility requirements differ so make sure that you confirm the requirements. In addition, to the above, you are limited to one type of financial assistance program.
Introduction of Benefactors
Sophia Campus Support (Co., Ltd.)
A business corporation wholly owned by Sophia School Corporation. Its corporate philosophy is to support educational, research, and social contribution activities as a good partner of Sophia School Corporation by placing a priority on improving services for students at schools established by the Corporation, as well as contributing to the creation of “Attractive Schools” by returning profits from business development to the Corporation.
Sophia University Parents’ Association
A voluntary organization established in 1973, with the aim of financially supporting the University and students, by parents. Membership fees received from members are donated to the University to provide a variety of material and emotional support to students. Support for improvement of educational environment, “100 Yen Breakfast” at the university cafeteria, English learning advisors, study-abroad counselors, disaster recovery volunteer activities, and support for extracurricular associations, are some examples of ways that the Sophia University Parents’ Association is supporting students.
Center for Students Affairs, Financial Aid: scholarship-co[at]