Master’s Program in Theology / Doctoral Program in Systematic Theology
Catholic theology is a 2,000-year-old academic discipline. The Master’s Program in Theology (Department of Theology) is the basic and central research field of Catholic theology, and also focuses on the importance of dialogue with other ideas, cultures, and religions from a global perspective.
The department offers four courses to meet the various interests and needs of students, as follows – 1) Systematic Theology Course: Aims at the systematic study of Catholic theology, including the training of priests in the Catholic Church. 2) Biblical Theology Course 3) Christian Education Course (formerly Christian Ethics and Culture Course): Studies practical pastoral care founded on basic theological theory. 4) Mission Practitioner Course: Aims to train those who will be involved in the field of service in the church. Students who meet the requirements can earn a master’s degree within the period of one year.
In the Master of Theology program, students must complete a minimum of 30 credits, write a thesis, and pass the comprehensive examination to receive the degree of Master of Theology. Our Systematic Theology Course is approved by the Pontifical Council for the conferral of degrees, in which students can obtain the STB (Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureatus) and STL (Sacrae Theologiae Licentiatus) after passing the examination. These are degrees common to all Catholic Churches around the world.
In the doctoral program (Department of Systematic Theology), we encourage students to pursue unique research themes, and a dissertation is required as the result of that research. The main objective is to train researchers, but at the same time, we value the cultivation of qualified personnel who can contribute to the church and society at large.
Granted Degree
Available Teaching Licenses and Subjects
- Junior High School Specialized Teacher (Religion and Social Studies)
- High School Specialized Teacher (Religion and Civics)
*Only Master’s degree programs are eligible for a teacher’s license. If you wish to obtain a teacher’s license, a Type 1 license should already have been obtained or the requirements for obtaining a Type 1 license should have been fulfilled in advance for the subjects you wish to be licensed in. Otherwise, it is not possible.
Program Features
STB and STL Degrees
The Systematic Theology Course offers the STB and STL degrees common to the Catholic Church worldwide.
M.Bib and M.Div. Degrees
The Biblical Theology Course offers the degree of M. Bib (Master of Biblical Studies) and the Christian Education Course offers the degree of M. Div (Master of Divinity).
Certificate of Completion for the Missionary Practitioner Course
A certificate of completion can be obtained in the same way as the above courses.
Establishment of Japanese Theology
The Doctoral Program in Systematic Theology aims to establish a unique theology through research on Catholic theology developed in the Western world and through dialogue with Japanese philosophy and culture.
Selected Thesis Topics
Master’s Program
- C.S.ルイスによる「よろこび」の神学的意義
- キリスト教ヒューマニズムが意味づける、キャリア教育の検討―『霊操』生路の選定の応用―
- オリゲネスにおける教育的救済―パイデイアを利用した人間形成の考察―
- Walter Kasperの機能的キリスト論―イエス・キリストの霊的仲介と寄り添い―
- トマス・アクィナスの至福論――現世の旅路における愛徳の役割――
- アタナシオスにおける神化の神学――『恵みの交換』をめぐる考察
- イグナチオ・デ・ロヨラに観る望みの理解―人間の内的事柄と外的事柄の統合による神の救いの計画への参与―
- アッシジの聖フランシスコの”Fraternitas″のOrdo化と聖職者中心主義化の歴史的要因の
- 分析、及び、聖フランシスコ自身の霊性についての一考察―「制度 対 カリスマ」の問題の克服の可能性―
- 第二バチカン公会議後の堅信の秘跡における共同体性の深化
Doctoral Program
- マリアの御心崇敬の真価再考―歴史的展開とその日本的・現代的意義―
- 救済のオイコノミアにおける宗教的多元性の位置づけ―ジャック・デュプイの神学は日本の福音宣教にどのような貢献をするのか―
- ローマ・カトリック教会の段階的キリスト教入信制度における「教えを受ける前の期間」についての研究―学校宗教教育の神学的基礎づけを目指して―
Educational Policy
Department of Theology (Master’s Program)
The Master’s Program in Theology sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below. Those who fulfill the graduation requirements and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.
- Conducting basic and focused research on theology and with a global perspective, the ability to be mindful of the
importance of dialogue with other ideologies, cultures and religions.
The individual qualities required by each course are provided below:
a.Systematic theology program: in addition to fostering Catholic priests, the ability to conduct research on
systematic Catholic theology
b.Biblical theology program: the ability to conduct research on methodologies for biblical studies
c.Christian education program: the ability to conduct research on pastoral practice based on basic theological theory
d.Missionary program: the capabilities of human resources who will provide services in church.
- The ability to write convincing academic papers with precise structure and consistent, uniform reasoning, in preparation for the master’s thesis and research report on the subject
Department of Systematic Theology (Doctoral Program)
The Doctoral Program in Systematic Theology sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below. Those who fulfill the graduation requirements and pass their dissertation defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma. Those who have met the relevant requirements may also be conferred an STD (Sacrae Theologiae Doctor) degree.
- The ability to address one’s research theme from a unique perspective while taking into account the basics of Catholic theology and to present it logically and constructively
- The ability to conduct research on Western traditions of Catholic theology and to pursue the establishment of a personal understanding of theology through dialogue with Japanese ideologies and culture.
- The ability to write unique, sophisticated academic papers with precise structure and consistent, uniform reasoning, based on a good understanding of past research, in the preparation for the doctoral thesis
Department of Theology (Master’s Program)
In accordance with the diploma policy, the Master’s Program in Theology constructs its curriculum as follows:
- Based on the traditions of Catholic theology comprehensively and extensively offer specialized courses on Christianity.
- Offer courses in dogmatic theology, history of the church, Christian education, Christian literature, biblical theology, exegesis, moral theology, church law, ritual Christianity, spiritual Christianity, and literature studies in Greek and Hebrew.
- With an aim to pursue the expertise of basic studies, offer a Structural Theology Course, Biblical Theology Course, Christian Education Course, and Practical Missionary Course.
Department of Systematic Theology (Doctoral Program)
In accordance with the diploma policy, the Doctoral Program in Systematic Theology constructs its curriculum as follows:
- The curriculum comprises research guidance and educational training. Research guidance involves guidance by
one’s research advisor in compiling the dissertation and presenting research at academic meetings. Educational training is provided in the form of practical training in lectures and seminars taught by Graduate School faculty members that the research advisor or Graduate School Chairperson has acknowledged to be appropriate.
- Offer courses in Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies, Practical Theology, and Christian Culture.
Department of Theology (Master’s Program)
The Master’s Program in Theology seeks students with the following qualities:
1 . Students who have acquired the basics of Catholic theology, as well as logical thinking and writing skills
2 . Students with language skills in English and other languages relevant to their disciplinary
specialty who are open to different cultures and internationality
3 . Students who properly acknowledge human dignity and basic human rights, and are enthusiastic about understanding and practicing social justice.
Department of Systematic Theology (Doctoral Program)
The Doctoral Program in Systematic Theology seeks students with the following qualities:
1 . Students who can creatively approach their research theme, develop it logically and extensively, and present it internationally
2 . Students who have basic philosophical grounding as well as high language skills in English and other languages related to their theme
3 . Students who can present and contribute through their research, Christian values and meaning to wider society, not limited to the Catholic world.
Faculty Members
Juan Carlos HAIDAR Professor
Haruhi KATAYAMA Professor
Chung-Mo Mark KOO Professor
Hideyuki KOYAMA Professor
Osamu TAKEUCHI Professor
Ichiro MITSUNOBU Professor
Hiroko MORI Professor
Yuji SUGAWARA Project Professor
Antonius FIRMANSYAH Assistant Professor