Master’s (Doctoral) Program in Science and Technology / Mechanical Engineering Division

Fundamental and Applied Research for “Monozukuri (Manufacturing)”

Japan’s recent prosperity has once again been recognized as a result of its world-class industry . Mechanical engineering plays a key role in this.

Mechanical engineering is fundamental to all industries and no industry is conceivable without it. The objective of the Graduate Program in Science and Technology / Mechanical Engineering is to develop human resources who will contribute to the development of the field of mechanical engineering.


The Master’s Program trains professionals who can deal with an advanced scientific civilization and society while the Doctoral Program trains outstanding researchers. The programs consist of faculty members who specialize in various fields of mechanical engineering, such as mechanics of materials, dynamics of machinery, thermal engineering, fluids engineering, precision engineering, control engineering, and material science.

Each faculty member pursues advanced research related to mechanical engineering with the keyword “monozukuri (manufacturing)”. We are convinced that the Graduate Program in Science and Technology / Mechanical Engineering nurtures excellent engineers and researchers of “monozukuri (manufacturing)” in Japan. Thus, the graduates of this program are engaged in a wide range of fields.

Granted Degree


Available Teaching Licenses and Subjects

  • Junior High School Specialized Teacher (Mathematics and Science)
  • High School Specialized Teacher (Mathematics, Science, Industry, and Information)

*Only Master’s degree program students are eligible to obtain a teaching license. In addition, only subjects for which a Type 1 license has already been obtained or for which the requirements for obtaining a Type 1 license have been met can be taken.

Program Features

Outstanding Research

Faculty members are active not only in the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers but also in numerous other academic societies of various fields. In addition to Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, they have obtained competitive funds from various ministries and agencies to conduct world-class research.

Fostering Engineers and Researchers Who Can Implement with Tangible and Intangible Initiatives

The Graduate Program in Science and Technology / Mechanical Engineering accepts a large number of international students from Asian countries, allowing students to engage in discussions, analysis, and deliberations from an international perspective on a daily basis during seminars and other activities. Many graduates of the program pursue their careers in higher education institutions, international organizations, and universities in Japan and abroad.

Selected Thesis Topics

  • XFEM によるクラッド鋼CT 試験片の疲労き裂進展解析
  • CFRP 積層板のCAI 強度評価に関する数値解析手法の研究
  • 頭部外傷解析のための頭部有限要素モデルの開発
  • 脳損傷解析における交通事故時頭部複数回衝撃の再現手法に関する研究
  • ゴルフのスイング動作解析によるクラブの評価指標の構築
  • 前庭感覚系を考慮した簡易人体モデルの開発
  • 火災旋風の非定常特性に関する数値解析的研究
  • 気道モデル内の粒子輸送に対する吸入条件及び粒子径分布の影響
  • カーボンフリーな社会に向けたアンモニア燃焼エンジンの開発およびCFD 解析
  • 扁平型フィン付きヘリカルサブクールコンデンサーの研究開発
  • エンジン冷却水路内の強制流動核沸騰熱伝達に関する実験的研究
  • エンジン筒内の冷却損失予測モデルの開発および制御器への実装
  • ハイブリット自動車のエネルギ最適化のための学習アルゴリズム構築
  • MaaS に向けたシステム最適化と学習理論に関する研究
  • 合流中の車速パターン最適化とエネルギーマネジメントを統合したHEV の階層的制御器の研究
  • エンジン駆動パワーの調整による燃費最適なPnG 方式の検討
  • 複合組織型自動車用高強度鋼の水素脆化に関与する因子の検討
  • 焼戻しマルテンサイト鋼の水素存在状態と水素脆化き裂の発生・伝播挙動に関する研究
  • 積層造形した医療用金属材料の微細構造制御と強度・破壊・疲労特性に関する研究
  • 変形性膝関節症や前十字靭帯断裂などの予防や再建に関する工学からのアプローチ

Educational Policies

Master’s Program

With an aim to foster human resources who can serve the advancement of Mechanical Engineering and associated fields and contribute to developing human society and conserving the global environment, the Mechanical Engineering Division (Master’s Program) sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who fulfill the requirements and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.


  1.  The ability to multidimensionally identify how technology can impact human society and the global environment,
    acquired by studying a wide range of disciplines, including natural science disciplines beyond one’s disciplinary
    specialty or interdisciplinary fields covering the social sciences
  2. The ability to acquire expertise that enables one to play an active role at the forefront of Mechanical Engineering and associated fields as well as to develop new technologies and explore new fields
  3. A level of English proficiency that enables high performance in society and accommodates further developments
    in globalization
  4. The ability to write academically structured papers through one’s original research with good understanding of preceding research done in and related to one’s field

Doctoral Program

With an aim to foster human resources who have acquired high expertise in Mechanical Engineering as well as the interdisciplinary competence to comprehensively understand the associated impacts on human society and the global environment, and can thus conduct research and development independently in their field of expertise, the Mechanical Engineering Division (Doctoral Program) sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who fulfill the requirements and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.


  1. The ability to multidimensionally identify how technology can affect human society and the global environment, acquired by studying not only one’s disciplinary
  2. The ability to acquire expertise that enables one to independently play an active role at the forefront of Mechanical Engineering and associated fields as well as to creatively conduct research and development that will contribute to human evolution an wellbeing
  3. A level of English proficiency that enables one to stand on the forefront of globalization and independently lead international society
  4. The ability to independently conduct original research by utilizing one’s highly specialized expertise, write academic papers of an international level, and contribute to the academic field

Master’s Program

The Mechanical Engineering Division (Master’s Program) seeks to cultivate the ability to contribute to the further development of Mechanical Engineering and associated disciplines, as well as to the development of human society and global environment conservation, by having students take courses in Mechanical Engineering and other divisions and receive research guidance.


  1. Students will take courses in divisions other than Mechanical Engineering as well as general science and engineering courses to acquire broad knowledge of disciplines other than their disciplinary specialty
  2. Students will take courses offered by the Mechanical Engineering Division, including those associated with Mechanics of Materials, Mechanics of Machinery, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Precision Engineering, Control Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, to acquire expertise in these disciplines. Furthermore, they will conduct research on a specific theme; and therefore acquire profound professional knowledge of their theme in a broad context and learn about research procedures, organization and ethics.
  3. Students will improve their English proficiency by taking English for Science and Technology and English-taught courses, presenting research outcomes in English, and writing academic papers in English.

Doctoral Program

The Mechanical Engineering Division (Doctoral Program) seeks to cultivate the ability to independently conduct research and development based on high expertise in Mechanical Engineering and broad knowledge of associated fields, by having students take Seminars and receive research guidance


  1. Students will read academic papers and commentaries in interdisciplinary fields other than Mechanical Engineering to acquire broad knowledge of these disciplines
  2. Students will conduct intensive research supported by research guidance provided by faculty; and therefore acquire profound expertise of their theme in a broad context, learn about research procedures, organization and ethics, and submit their dissertation as a culmination of their research
  3. Students will present their research outcomes in Japan and overseas in English, compile and submit academic papers in English, and conduct research at overseas institutions as required; and therefore, they will actively improve their communication skills

Master’s Program

The Mechanical Engineering Division (Master’s Program) seeks students with the following qualities:


  1. Students who have studied Mechanical Engineering and are motivated to perform research
  2. Students who possess the standard academic skills in Mechanics of Materials, Mechanics of Machinery, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Precision Engineering, Control Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, required to study Mechanical Engineering and pursue research in the field

Doctoral Program

The Mechanical Engineering Division (Doctoral Program) seeks students with the following qualities:


  1. Students who are motivated to independently pursue creative research and development
  2. Students with the expertise and English skills required to independently pursue creative research and development

Faculty Members

Takashi SUZUKI Professor

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Shoichiro TAKEHARA Professor

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Yoshiaki TERUMICHI Professor

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Toshio NAGASHIMA Professor

Noriyuki HISAMORI Professor

Edyta DZIEMINSKA Associate Professor

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Hidetake TANAKA Associate Professor

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Yuelin ZHANG Associate Professor

Mariko WATANABE Associate Professor

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Wenjing CAO Associate Professor

Emir YILMAZ Assistant Professor

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