【※Application Closed】(For Current Students and Parents/Guarantors)Japanese Government Emergency Subsidy Program “Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies” Second Round
To Current Students and Parents/Guarantors
Fukutake Shintaro
Director, Center for Student Affairs
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Japanese government will be providing “Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies” to students who have difficulty in continuing their studies for financial reasons, especially those who are independent from their families. This is to notify that Sophia University has begun to accept application for this program. (the application for the first round was closed on January 14, 2022.)
・The application process and schedule details have been posted on Loyola (University bulletin board).
・Sophia University degree-seeking undergraduate and graduate students including those in the course of midwifery and international students are eligible. Ineligible students are not able to see application details.
・Students that have already received this aid in the first round 2022 may not apply again.
<Application Deadline>
Monday, February 21, 2022
website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
“Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies”
・A tight schedule has been set to ensure prompt payment to those eligible, and we are unable to answer specific questions. We ask for your understanding at this time.
Center for Student Affairs, Financial Support