Sophia University now offering Double Degree M.A. Program with Chulalongkorn University, the top institution of Thailand related to studies in International Relations
From 2019, between the Graduate Program in Global Studies (GPGS) of Sophia University and M.A. in International Development Studies (MAIDS) of Chulalongkorn University, a double degree program will be offered with student exchanges between two institutions. On July 12, upon a conclusion of agreement, the signing ceremony took place at Chulalongkorn University.
This double degree program allows students to acquire credits from both Sophia University and Chulalongkorn University by studying in each institution for one year enabling them to earn a double degree of two institutions by fulfilling the requirements. It is a second double degree program offered by Sophia University following a joint Master’s program with SOAS London University. a joint Master’s program with SOAS London University.
Established in 1917 Chulalongkorn University is the oldest and the top national university of Thailand. Locating in the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, it is widely known for studies in the area of politics, economics, medical, chemical engineering, architecture and architectural environment with 19 faculties and a wide range of research institutions being present.
Concluding an academic and student exchange agreement with Chulalongkorn University in July 2013, 21 Sophia students has been sent to Chulalongkorn and Sophia welcomed 17 of their students. Chulalongkorn University and Sophia University also collaborates by participating in the ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) program among other ASEAN top universities.
As to mention also Sophia School Corporation establishing “Sophia Global Education and Discovery Co., Ltd.” to operate businesses related to educational and training programs in Bangkok utilizing its geopolitical advantages, Thailand is one of crucial hubs for Sophia University in its globalization. It is believed that the enormous benefit will be brought to our students to be learning in such a place with an economic corridor development connecting neighboring countries as well as having high concentration of international organizations and global corporations.
Working to promote its globalization, Sophia University has been building partnerships between overseas top institutions as to establishing special programs with the U.S top universities: Columbia University, Georgetown University and Fordhum University as well as worldly renowned the Graduate Institute, Geneva among other schools worldwide.
Eligibility and a type of degree to be earned for the program
For Students of Sophia University:
Eligible for all students in Master’s Programs in GPGS (International Relations, Area Studies and Global Studies) able to earn M.A. in International Development Studies from Chulalongkorn.
For Students of Chulalongkorn University:
Eligible for all students in Master of Arts in International Development Studies able to earn M.A. in Global Studies, M.A. in Japanese Studies or M.A. in International Business and Developmental Studies from Sophia University.