Master’s (Doctoral) Program in Science and Technology / Information Science Division
The widespread use of computers, cell phones, and other means of communication, and their connection via networks, have allowed society to store, send, receive, transmit, and process sizable information in various forms, including text, images, voice, and video, with significant speed and ease. Along with this technological development, individuals and business entities, which are the major constituents of modern society, have also developed a new set of values. Values, knowledge, wisdom, and experience are gained as a result of fully utilizing the vast pool of information bestowed upon humanity. “Information Society” is the name we call the modern world, where we not only have the universal method to access and transmit information, but where we can also discover the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of humanity. Pursuing safety and accessibility as the ultimate goal, we strive to achieve our full potential in nurturing people and society to perform vital activities.
The Information Science Division aims to foster creative minds with a deep understanding of humans and society through information. Using their strong knowledge of basic and applied information science, students will be able to cut through the formidable complexities of the study, analyze mechanisms, and develop systems for fast-developing human-information dynamics.
The faculty is headed by experts representing the three themes of human information, social information, and information and communication. The Master’s Program trains advanced professionals who can respond to the advanced information society, while the Doctoral Program trains outstanding researchers. Students from the liberal arts field are also welcome.
Granted Degree
Available Teaching Licenses and Subjects
- Junior High School Specialized Teacher (Mathematics and Science)
- High School Specialized Teacher (Mathematics, Science, Industry, and Information)
*Only Master’s Program students are eligible to obtain a teaching license. In addition, only subjects for which Type 1 license has already been obtained or for which the requirements for obtaining a Type 1 license have been met can be taken.
Program Features
Diversity of Research Themes
A variety of research themes can be explored in human information systems, social information systems, and electronic information systems. Not only are they themes that are directly relevant to the department, but they are also inter-disciplinary themes developed with alternative perspectives and technologies through various joint activities with other departments, faculties, off-campus projects, and business entities.
Enhanced Research Guidance
Graduate students pursue advanced research themes under the careful guidance of faculty members. Students are trained to conduct highly independent research. We will provide substantial research guidance so that the results can be presented in academic journal papers, international conferences, etc.
Selected Thesis Topics
- 外国語音声の生成と知覚における母語の影響 ─ 音響音声学的な立場から─
- サプライチェインの中核を担う最先端物流センターの最適化に関する実践的研究
- モバイル動画ストリーミングにおけるユーザの体感品質向上手法
- 情報システムの開発を効率化するための方法論とその支援環境の研究
- 垂直軸回りのプロジェクションを用いた3次元画像モデルの部分検索
- 視線情報を活用した画像認識アルゴリズムの開発
- 光超音波を用いたヒト組織内変位と粘弾性率分布イメージング
- 進化的アルゴリズムによるウェブページ上の広告最適化
- 食品トレーサビリティにおけるハザードを考慮した原材料分散最小化
- 自然言語処理を用いたカテゴリー分類における比較検討
- セルフイメージの脳ネットワーク構造
- 符号化分散コンピューティングの効率化に関する研究
Educational Policies
Master’s Program
With an aim to foster human resources who can serve the advancement of Information Science and contribute to developing human society and conserving the global environment by using expertise, the Information Science Division (Master’s Program) sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who fulfill the requirements and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.
1. The ability to multidimensionally identify how technology can impact human society and the global environment, acquired by studying a wide range of disciplines, including natural science disciplines beyond one’s disciplinary specialty or interdisciplinary fields covering the social sciences.
2. The ability to acquire expertise that enables one to independently play an active role at the forefront of Information Science and associated fields as well as to creatively conduct research and development that will contribute to human evolution and wellbeing.
3. A level of English proficiency that enables high performance in society and accommodates further developments in globalization.
4. The ability to put together academic papers on the findings of research in a specialized field.
Doctoral Program
With an aim to foster human resources who have acquired high expertise in Information Science as well as the interdisciplinary competence to comprehensively understand the associated impacts on human society and the global environment, and can thus conduct research and development independently in their field of expertise, the Information Science Division (Doctoral Program) sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who fulfill the requirements and pass their dissertation defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.
1. The ability to multidimensionally identify how technology can affect human society and the global environment, acquired by studying not only one’s disciplinary specialty, but also a wide range of disciplines, including associated interdisciplinary fields.
2. The ability to acquire expertise that enables one to independently play an active role at the forefront of Information Science and associated fields as well as to creatively conduct research and development that will contribute to human evolution and wellbeing.
3. A level of English proficiency that enables one to stand on the forefront of globalization and independently lead international society.
4. The ability to conduct highly specialized research, communicate the research findings widely, and put together academic papers with significant academic value.
Master’s Program
The Information Science Division (Master’s Program) seeks to cultivate the ability to contribute to the further development of Information Science and associated disciplines, as well as to the development of human society and global environment conservation, by having students take courses in Information Science and other divisions and receive research guidance.
1. Students will take courses in divisions other than Information Science as well as general science and engineering courses to acquire broad knowledge of disciplines other than their disciplinary specialty.
2. Students will take courses offered by the Information Science Division to acquire expertise on these subjects. Furthermore, they will conduct research on a specific theme; and therefore acquire profound professional knowledge of their theme in a broad context and learn about research procedures, organization and ethics.
3. Students will improve their English proficiency by taking English for Science and Technology and English-taught courses, presenting research outcomes in English, and writing academic papers in English.
Doctoral Program
The Information Science Division (Doctoral Program) seeks to cultivate the ability to independently conduct research and development based on high expertise in Information Science and broad knowledge of associated fields, by having students take Seminars and receive research guidance
- Students will read academic papers and commentaries in interdisciplinary fields other than Information Science to acquire broad knowledge of these disciplines.
- Students will conduct intensive research supported by research guidance provided by faculty; and therefore acquire profound expertise of their theme in a broad context, learn about research procedures, organization and ethics, and submit their dissertation as a culmination of their research.
- Students will present their research outcomes in Japan and overseas in English, compile and submit academic papers in English, and conduct research at overseas institutions as required; and therefore, they will actively improve their communication skills.
Master’s Program
The Information Science Division (Master’s Program)e seeks students with the following qualities:
1. Students who have studied the field of Information Science and are motivated to perform research
2. Students who possess the standard academic skills associated with Information Science and Mathematics required to study Information Science and pursue research in the field
Doctoral Program
The Information Science Division (Doctoral Program) seeks students with the following qualities:
1. Students who are motivated to independently pursue creative research and development in the field of Information Science.
2. Students with the expertise and English skills required to independently pursue creative research and development in the field of Information Science
Faculty Members
Ryo KAWABATA Associate Professor
Chikayoshi SUMI Associate Professor
Yuichiro MIYAMOTO Associate Professor
Yusuke KAMEDA Assistant Professor
Rina KOMATSU Assistant Professor by Special Appointment
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