Master’s (Doctoral) Program in Japanese Literature

Japanese Literature, Japanese Studies, Chinese Literature, and the Origin of the Japanese People viewed from Multiple Perspectives

The Department of Japanese Literature conducts research in Japanese literature (classic and modern literature), Japanese linguistics, and Chinese literature. Each of these three fields is deeply interconnected with one another, and research in one field requires knowledge and understanding of the others together with a comprehensive and diverse approach to the research. The curriculum of the Department of Japanese Literature is carefully structured to enable students to acquire comprehensive skills, and we have also adopted a policy of keeping this in mind in our research guidance.

Curriculum Features

The curriculum of the Master’s Program requires students to undertake in-depth research and study in their respective specializations and to actively participate in other areas as well. The master’s thesis will be reviewed by one primary examiner and two secondary examiners, and the oral examination by all faculty members.

In the Doctoral Program, students deepen and broaden their research under the guidance of their advisors, and have the opportunity for personal thesis guidance in addition to standard classroom learning. We emphasize the importance of Rigorous self-study to bring the results of the research to fruition, and expect students to develop a clear research plan and eventually write a doctoral dissertation. For this reason, they are required to publish at least two papers in academic journals during their enrollment.

Under this system of education and research, we are particularly focused on training researchers and Japanese language teachers and have produced qualified personnel. We are also actively engaged in international collaborative research, with faculty and graduate students presenting at international symposia held jointly with Pusan National University (Korea) in 2014 and 2019 and Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan) in 2017.

Granted Degree


Available Teaching Licenses and Subjects

  • Junior High School Specialized Teacher (Japanese)
  • High School Specialized Teacher (Japanese)

*Only Master’s degree programs are eligible for a teacher’s license. If you wish to obtain a teacher’s license, a Type 1 license should already have been obtained, or the requirements for obtaining a Type 1 license should have been fulfilled in advance for the subjects you wish to be licensed in. Otherwise, it is not possible.

Program Features

Characteristics of Japanese Literature

The study of Japanese literature is based on the accurate reading of the text, and from there proceeds to an understanding of the message of the literature, the cultural value of the work, and the significance of its existence. To carry out these studies from multidimensional perspectives, we also incorporate consideration of the historical process and the background of the philosophical aspect of the work, as well as comparative research with Chinese and Western literature.

To promote trans-disciplinary research, we encourage students, including first-semester graduate students, to study abroad and conduct in-depth research in the field of Japanese history, as well as in the fields of Eastern and Western history.

Characteristics of Japanese Linguistics

The study of Japanese language and linguistics focuses on the historical study of Japanese phonology, grammar, style, vocabulary, and orthography, and considers the Japanese language of each period, while also looking at Christian language, Dutch language, and English studies brought about by cultural exchange. In addition, the methodology of Japanese language research will be reexamined from an academic-historical perspective.

Characteristics of Chinese Literature

Based on the study of Chinese classics, we will look at the overarching theme of Chinese Literature, such as how Chinese classics were spread in Japan and what role they had in the development of Japanese literature. As is the case with classical Chinese studies, there will not be a clear demarcation between literature and philosophy; rather, they will be treated as a fused subject.

Student’s Participation in Journal Publication

Graduate students of the Department of Japanese Literature, together with faculty members of the Department and graduates of the Department of Japanese Literature, have organized the Sophia University Society of Japanese Literature, which has grown into a society with 700 members. The biannual conference is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to present their research. The journal “The Review of Japanese Literature” has already reached 57 issues and has gained a strong presence in the academic community. In addition, the Graduate School Monthly Meeting is regularly held as an opportunity for faculty and graduate students to participate, and for graduate students to proactively present their research and answer questions.

Selected Dissertation Topics

  • 近世中期文学と白話小説 — 初期読本成立史の再構築 —
  • 近世後期テニヲハ論の展開と活用研究
  • 日本書紀段階成立論 — 文体、語法、注記から見た編纂過程の研究 —
  • キリシタン版『日葡辞書』の構造についての研究
  • 古風土記に見られる国語文字表現の一端

Selected Thesis Topics

  • 「 記紀歌謡」の比較研究
  • 『 日本書紀』α群・準引用文の研究
  • 秋風と蟋蟀 ─『万葉集』における自然にまつわる諸発想及び中国文学の受容と変容についての一考察 ─
  • 『 夜の寝覚』における感情表出の抑制表現 ─『 源氏物語』との比較を通じて─
  • 『 源氏物語』の展開と人物造型に関わる形容表現 ─「 うつくし「」らうたし」を通して ─
  • 仏教説話としての『撰集抄』
  • 奥浄瑠璃『天狗の内裏』論
  • 西鶴浮世草子諸問題の調査・考察
  • 初期読本作家たちの言葉と文体
  • 正岡子規の文学理論の研究
  • 森鷗外文学における個々の〈欲望〉と社会
  • 漱石文学における《神経》の諸相
  • 田村俊子の文学 ─ セクシュアリティと感受する〈身体〉
  • 『 日葡辞書』の訓釈について
  • 明治期文章史における尾崎紅葉作品の意義
  • 近代日本における〈敬語〉意識の形成
  • 『 漢書』における「滑稽」について
  • 東坡詞試論
  • 離魂譚の淵源と展開 ─「 離魂記」を中心として ─

Educational Policies

Master’s Program

The Master’s Program in Japanese Literature sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below. Those
who fulfill the graduation requirements and pass the thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.

1. Sophisticated knowledge, research abilities and teaching abilities in “Japanese Literature,” which comprehensively covers Japanese Linguistics, Old Literature, Modern Literature and Classical Chinese Literature, and the ability to contribute widely to society and the world

2. The ability to nurture the skills required as a teacher based on sophisticated knowledge, research abilities and teaching abilities in “Japanese Literature,” which comprehensively covers Japanese Language Studies, Old Literature, Modern Literature and Classical Chinese Literature

3. The ability to write a properly structured master’s thesis, relying on advanced knowledge and accurate analysis

Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program in Japanese Literature sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below. Those
who fulfill the graduation requirements and pass the dissertation defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.

  1. The ability to build on the skills acquired in the Master’s program and teach based on sophisticated knowledge, research skills and teaching skills in “Japanese Literature,” which comprehensively covers Japanese Language Studies, Old Literature, Modern Literature and Classical Chinese Literature
  2. The ability to build on the skills acquired in the Master’s program and contribute widely to society and the world based on sophisticated knowledge, research abilities and teaching abilities in “Japanese Literature,” which comprehensively covers Japanese Linguistics, Old Literature, Modern Literature and Classical Chinese Literature
  3. The ability to build on the skills acquired in the Master’s program and become an independent researcher who is eager to preserve, pass down and develop the traditions of Japanese literature and performs unique research activities based on sophisticated knowledge, research abilities and teaching abilities in “Japanese Literature,” which comprehensively covers Japanese Language Studies, Old Literature, Modern Literature and Classical Chinese Literature by further expanding on the abilities acquired in the Master’s program
  4. The ability to compile a doctoral thesis as an independent researcher, based on the results of oral presentations at academic meetings and the writing of academic papers

Master’s Program

In accordance with the diploma policy, the Master’s Program in Japanese Literature encourages students to comprehensively pursue “Japanese Literature” with research and education rooted in classical literature studies; and thus constructs its curriculum as follows so that students will take Special Lectures and Seminars offered by this Master’s Program and courses on Japanese literature as seen from the world:

1. Offer Special Lecture/Seminar on Japanese Literature to pursue Japanese Literature studies with research and education rooted in classical literature studies.

2. Offer Special Lecture/Seminar on Classical Japanese Literature to pursue Classical Japanese Literature studies with research and education rooted in classical literature studies.

3. Offer Special Lecture/Seminar on Modern Japanese Literature to pursue Modern Japanese Literature studies with research and education rooted in classical literature studies.

4. Offer Special Lecture/Seminar on Chinese Literature to pursue Chinese Literature studies with research and education rooted in classical literature studies

5. Provide the research guidance required to compile a thesis based on comprehensive findings in Japanese Literature.

Doctoral Program

In accordance with the diploma policy, the Doctoral Program in Japanese Literature encourages students to comprehensively pursue “Japanese Literature” with research and education rooted in classical literature studies ; and thus constructs its curriculum as follows so that students will take Special Lectures and Seminars offered by this Doctoral Program and courses on Japanese literature as seen from the world:

1. Offer Special Studies in Japanese Literature to pursue Japanese Literature studies with research and education rooted in classical literature studies.

2. Offer Special Studies in Classical Japanese Literature to pursue Classical Japanese Literature studies with research and education rooted in classical literature studies.

3. Offer Special Studies in Modern Japanese Literature to pursue Modern Japanese Literature studies with research and education rooted in classical literature studies.

4. Offer Special Studies in Chinese Literature to pursue Chinese Literature studies with research and education rooted in classical literature studies

5. Provide the research guidance required to compile a dissertation based on comprehensive findings in Japanese Literature.

Master’s Program

The Master’s Program in Japanese Literature seeks students with the following qualities:
1. Students who have comprehensively pursued research in Japanese Studies, Japanese Classics, Modern Literature and Chinese Literature by organically interlinking these fields, and have thus acquired knowledge of Japanese Literature as an academic discipline, and who seek to acquire a higher level of academic knowledge and skills in the Master’s Program in Japanese Literature at the Graduate School of Humanities, Sophia University in order to lead Japanese cultural studies

2. Students who have acquired academic knowledge and skills equivalent to the above at other universities or departments and who seek to acquire a higher level of academic knowledge in the Master’s Program in Japanese Literature at the Graduate School of Humanities, Sophia University in order to lead Japanese cultural studies

3. Adults who have acquired academic knowledge and skills equivalent to the above at other universities or departments who seek to acquire a higher level of academic knowledge in the Master’s Program in Japanese Literature at the Graduate School of Humanities, Sophia University in order to lead Japanese cultural studies

Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program in Japanese Literature seeks students with the following qualities:
1. Students who have comprehensively pursued Japanese Studies, Japanese Classics, Modern Literature and Chinese Literature by organically interlinking these fields, and have thus acquired knowledge of Japanese Literature as an academic discipline, and who seek to acquire a higher level of academic knowledge in the Master’s Program in Japanese Literature at the Graduate School of Humanities, Sophia University in order to lead Japanese cultural studies
2. Students who have acquired an equivalent level of academics at other universities or departments, and who seek to acquire a higher level of academic knowledge in the Master’s Program in Japanese Literature at the Graduate School of Humanities, Sophia University in order to lead Japanese cultural studies

Faculty Members

Masayuki SEMA Professor

Takashi HATTORI Professor

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Tatsuhiko FUKUI Professor

Youko MOTOHIRO Professor

Akihiro YAMAMOTO Professor

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Hiroshi KIMURA Associate Professor

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Takuya FUKUI Assistant Professor

Sophia University

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