Master’s (Doctoral) Program in German Literature

Learning from “Germany” and Opening the Future

The core of the curriculum in the Master’s (Doctoral) Program in German Literature is the exploration of the rich ideology and inner nature of the literature and culture of the German-speaking world within the broader context of European cultural history. Learning about Germany, which has developed against the backdrop of its complex history, will lead to acquiring a free and robust intellect, which is essential for living in today’s troubled society and for finding guidelines for the future.


The Master’s Program aims to provide students with the basic requirements for research activities: advanced German language skills, acquisition of multifaceted and specialized knowledge and academic methodology, and the writing of a master’s thesis as the culmination of these activities. Students in the Master’s Program will decide on a research theme in consultation with their academic advisors, and will exchange opinions with other faculty members and students through seminar courses and research presentations to complete their master’s thesis.

We value diversity in our research and actively welcome students from a variety of backgrounds. The Master’s (Doctoral) Program in German Literature at Sophia University is a Gemeinde (community) where students who wish to deepen their studies, students from other universities and departments, people who have gained experience in society, and faculty members can talk and learn together with “Germany” as the common denominator.

Graduate students affiliated with the Master’s(Doctoral) Program in German Literature voluntarily edit and publish the academic journal “STUFE.” In “STUFE,” even master’s students can publish a short summary of their graduation thesis or research for their master’s thesis during their first year of study. Students in the Doctoral Program then have the opportunity to receive criticism and advice from various quarters by publishing the results of their research at that time, beginning with a paper based on their master’s thesis. Students who have advanced to the Doctoral Program will expand their network outside the university by actively contributing to various academic journals other than “STUFE” and presenting their research at academic conferences. Through friendly competition, students will cultivate the skills necessary to become independent researchers. The final goal is to complete a doctoral dissertation (to be submitted within three years of completing the Doctoral Program) with the support of all faculty members in the Department of German Literature and to obtain a Doctor of Literature degree.

Granted Degree


Available Teaching Licenses and Subjects

  • Junior High School Specialized Teacher (German)
  • High School Specialized Teacher (German)

*Only available in Master’s degree programs. Also, it is only available in subjects in which a Type 1 license has been obtained or the requirements for type 1 have been fulfilled. Not all subjects are available.

Program Features

Study Abroad in German- Speaking Countries

Many graduate students take advantage of Sophia University’s exchange programs and/or obtain outside public scholarships to study abroad during their studies. These programs offer opportunities to absorb the latest developments and academic trends in German-speaking countries and improve their German language skills. There is also a scholarship from the Weimar Classicism Foundation for a two-month research stay in Weimar.

Possibility of Working in Many Fields

In recent years, the majority of graduates of the Master’s program have entered the workforce and are now active in various fields, including public service, teaching, German companies, hospitals, publishing houses, and private research institutes, using the academic knowledge they gained in the major. Many graduates of the doctoral program are engaged in research and teaching in specialized fields such as German literature and language.

STUFE, a Journal in which Graduate Students can also Publish

STUFE, edited by the Graduate STUFE Publication Committee, has been passed down by successive generations of graduate students for almost 40 years as a place for researchers to make their debut.

Selected Thesis Topics

  • ノヴァーリスにおけるduとしての自然との「出会い」
  • 世紀転換期のオディッセイア ─ ドイツ語圏作家たちからみた世紀転換期のパリ
  • ケストナー『飛ぶ教室』
  • 仮面考 ─ 謝肉祭と仮面
  • 『 牡猫ムルの人生観』に見るE.T.A.ホフマンの文学創作
  • ゲーテの『ファウスト』におけるメフィストフェレスの形姿
  • 芸術活動シュトゥルムと女性たち

elected Dissertation Topics

  • Waldeinsamkeit ─ ルードヴィヒ・ティークの作品におけるEinsamkeitのモチーフの諸相
  • アーダルベルト・シュティフター作品における学習と教育形態
  • ワーグナー『ニーベルングの指環』における為政者像とその没落
  • エリアス・カネッティにおける〈変身〉の批判的考察 ─『 眩暈』から自伝三部作へ ─

Educational Policies

Master’s Program

The Master’s Program in German Literature sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who have acquired expert knowledge on literature and culture of German-speaking areas and the abilities required for research, submit a thesis as an outcome of their research and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired such qualities and will be awarded a diploma.


  1. The ability to acquire the German skills adequate to conduct expert research, properly understand original texts and references, write logically in German and engage in academic discussion
  2. The ability to deepen one’s understanding and knowledge of cultural phenomena of various regions and time periods of German-speaking areas, observe such phenomena from various perspectives and independently determine themes worth researching.
  3. The ability to write a convincing academic paper with an appropriate structure, accurate analysis, clear reasoning and rich use of language.
  4. The ability to overview the culture and society of one’s own country in the context of its relationship with the world and contribute to mutual understanding and cultural exchange with other countries, based on a strong interest in and profound knowledge of the culture and society of German-speaking areas
  5. The ability to address various issues of the modern world with imagination and an open mind toward others by understanding exotic cultures and ideologies along with their historical backgrounds, thereby acknowledging the world’s diversity and richness.

Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program in German Literature sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below: Those who have acquired sophisticated research abilities regarding literature and culture of German-speaking areas, submit a dissertation with an aim to become an active researcher of the field, and pass their dissertation defense shall be deemed to have acquired such qualities and will be awarded a diploma.


  1. A high level of proficiency in German required to conduct expert research, properly understand original texts and references, write logically in German and engage in academic discussion
  2. The ability to understand the literature and culture of German-speaking areas in the context of European history and deepen insight on one’s disciplinary specialty, as well as determine research targets and methods from a wide and multifaceted perspective.
  3. The ability to understand where one’s research stands in the research history and to independently determine a theme that will uncover novel knowledge.
  4. The ability to write a convincing academic paper with an appropriate structure, accurate analysis, clear reasoning and rich use of language
  5. The ability to address various issues of the modern world with imagination and an open mind toward others by understanding exotic cultures and ideologies along with their historical backgrounds, thereby acknowledging the world’s diversity and richness

Master’s Program

In accordance with the diploma policy, in light of its aim to have students understand the literature and culture of the German-speaking world in the context of European history, find one’s research theme and compile research outcomes in an academic paper in accordance with the diploma policy, the Master’s Program in German Literature constructs its curriculum with courses aligned to the following purposes:


  1. The ability to acquire the German skills adequate to conduct expert research, properly understand original texts and references, write logically in German and engage in academic discussion
  2. The ability to deepen one’s understanding and knowledge of cultural phenomena of various regions and time periods of German-speaking areas, observe such phenomena from various perspectives and independently determine themes worth researching.
  3. The ability to write a convincing academic paper with an appropriate structure, accurate analysis, clear reasoning and rich use of language.
  4. The ability to overview the culture and society of one’s own country in the context of its relationship with the world and contribute to mutual understanding and cultural exchange with other countries, based on a strong interest in and profound knowledge of the culture and society of German-speaking areas
  5. The ability to address various issues of the modern world with imagination and an open mind toward others by understanding exotic cultures and ideologies along with their historical backgrounds, thereby acknowledging the world’s diversity and richness.

Doctoral Program

In accordance with the diploma policy, in light of its aim to have students deepen their expert understanding and observations of the literature and culture of the German-speaking world in the context of European history, and submit a dissertation that brings forward new findings in their relevant field of expertise, the Doctoral Program in German Literature constructs its curriculum with courses aligned to the following purposes:


  1. Give all classes with aim to foster the German language proficiency required for specialized research in all classes and offer several courses in German.
  2. Offer classes covering various time periods and regions for students to understand the literature and culture of the German-speaking world in the context of European history and come into contact with their diversity and richness.
  3. Foster the ability to independently decide on a research theme by developing an awareness of issues in different classes or in courses on literature research methodologies. Furthermore, encourage students to acquire analytic skills, logical thinking and verbal expression skills through writing reports.
  4. Foster the ability to communicate one’s ideas logically and persuasively through debates in class and interim thesis presentations as well as the ability to engage in academic discussion.
  5. Under the guidance of the mentor, encourage students to gain a firm and detailed understanding of the knowhow of writing an academic paper by first submitting an academic paper to the journal edited by Graduate School students and to build on the knowhow acquired to write a dissertation.

Master’s Program

The Master’s Program in German Literature seeks students with the following qualities:


  1. Students with the German language proficiency required to conduct expert research on the literature and culture of German-speaking areas
  2. Students strongly motivated to conduct expert research on the literature, culture and history of German-speaking areas who have acquired the basic knowledge required to pursue such research
  3. Students who can think flexibly, analyze precisely, think logically, and speak and write creatively, and therefore engage in their studies with problem recognition, decide on a research theme worth addressing and compile an academic paper

Doctoral Program

The Doctoral Program in German Literature seeks students with the following qualities:


  1. Students strongly motivated to conducting expert research on the literature and culture of German speaking areas who have acquired the high level of German language proficiency required to pursue such research
  2. Students with expertise on the literature, culture and history of German-speaking areas, as well as the broad perspectives and flexible thought that will enable the setting up of research themes that will introduce new finding to the expert field
  3. Students with the precise analysis skills, logical thinking skills and creative speaking and writing skills required to compile an academic paper

Faculty Members

Tomoyuki SATO Professor

Sanayuki NAKAI Professor

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