Returning to the Starting Point, Knowing Oneself, Knowing Others, and Pursuing Nursing

We aim to nurture people with research and leadership skills that can be applied in practice, and foster discipline of caring based on human dignity. In the Department of Nursing, “support for symbiosis” is defined as support for the symbiotic relationship between patients, their families, and the community. Based on the key term “support for symbiosis,” each specialty area conducts developmental and practical research related to higher-quality caregiving.


The program fuses knowledge from other disciplines with knowledge gained from nursing education, research, and clinical practice, and passes this knowledge on to the local and international community to cultivate individuals who can contribute to society. Students will create practical knowledge by reviewing their past experiences and examining the application of knowledge and theories from other academic fields to nursing science. Those involved in clinical practice will be active in hospitals, welfare centers, and other medical health and nursing institutions, while those involved in research and policy management are likely to be active in institutions, policy think tanks, educational institutions, and research institutes.

Granted Degree

  • Master’s Program: MASTER OF NURSING

Program Features

The Keywords are “Symbiosis” and “Support.”

With the keywords “symbiosis,” in which various personalities live in mutual benefit, and “support” toward autonomy and independence, we train people who can apply the spirit of “for others, with others” and “human dignity” together with deep expertise.

Practical Guidance with Emphasis on Fieldwork

The Department of Nursing emphasizes fieldwork as an educational method to hone practical skills and provide a sense of what is necessary for research.

Day/evening Course System that Enables Students to Study While Working (Long-term Enrollment System)

Beginning in 2019, most courses are offered after 5:20 p.m. (some will be offered from 3:25 p.m.). We offer a long-term enrollment system so that students, including those working in clinical nursing, can balance their studies in a comfortable learning environment.

Selected Thesis Topics

  • ドナー家族の脳死下臓器提供プロセスにおける体験と心理的軌跡
  • 市町村に就業する新人保健師の地区における活動での体験の積み重ねの描写
  • 大学生の避妊に関する知識、性教育受講状況と性行動の実地調査
  • フィリピンろう者の健康観と健康保持・増進のための対処行動
  • 一般病棟看護師による生活習慣病をもつ精神疾患患者への看護介入とそのプロセスにおける困難への対応
  • 産褥早期の腰部さらし着用の有無による骨盤周囲径の変化および腰痛と日常生活の状況に関する研究
  • 母親のマラリアに対する知識と予防対策
  • 海外で支援する日本の災害看護の効果的な準備
  • 外来化学療法を行う独居高齢がん患者の療養生活における思い・困難と治療を継続する要因
  • 口唇口蓋裂児をもつ母親の思い
  • 看護師が終末期と捉えた根拠とその後の関わり
  • 下肢悪性骨軟部腫瘍手術後患者の自己効力感と影響要因に関する縦断的研究
  • 救命科看護師の患者の事前指示に対する認識と対応およびそれらに影響する要因の検討
  • 中国人留学生の健康支援のあり方の検討
  • 脳卒中患者の家族が在宅介護を選択するまでの意思決定過程
  • 山谷地域の高齢者への訪問看護を探る
  • エンパワメント構造が中堅看護師のキャリアデザインを介して精神的エンパワメントに及ぼす影響
  • 乳がん患者のがん罹患の意味づけ方法による心的外傷後成長への影響
  • 人工呼吸器装着患者の援助に対する看護師のリフレクション
  • 家族が望む代理意思決定支援に関する研究
  • 成人期にある高次脳機能障害をもつ人の自己概念に影響を及ぼす重要他者のかかわり
  • 中堅看護師の後進育成と組織アイデンティフィケーション及び専門職アイデンティフィケーションの関連について
  • 脳卒中患者の急性期における思い- 「諦めない」思いからの分析 -
  • 助産師が捉える無痛分娩を選択した女性の経験
  • 手術室看護師が捉えた周術期看護の専門性
  • 人工呼吸療法を受ける神経変性・筋疾患患者の看護ケア内容とケア量調査
  • 悪性脳腫瘍患者の家族が代理意思決定をする際の手がかり
  • 行政機関で働く新人保健師の実践能力向上に必要な主体性

Educational Policies

With an aim to foster human resources who acknowledge that human care is an academic discipline and are capable of engaging in practical research or assuming leadership, the Master’s Program in Nursing sets standards for the skills and knowledge students should acquire before graduation as described below:
Those who fulfill the graduation requirements and pass their thesis defense shall be deemed to have acquired these qualities and will be awarded a diploma.

  1. The ability to appropriately follow the research process and compile the results into a paper with proper structure and logical development
  2. The practical ability and research ability to provide the best available health support in accordance with individual levels of development and health
  3. The practical ability to play a leadership role in clinical practice
  4. The ability to work in and outside Japan with an academic and comprehensive perspective

In accordance with the diploma policy, considering important issues in domestic and overseas healthcare trends, the Master’s Program in Nursing constructs its curriculum as follows, in order to pursue advanced and practical research related to high-quality caring focused on “inclusive support.”

  1. Offer courses that help develop basic capacities related to nursing studies.
  2. Offer courses that engage students in intensive studies on caring.
  3. Offer courses on specialized areas of nursing that individual students wish to pursue in their research.
  4. Offer courses that support the specialized areas of nursing that individual students wish to pursue in their research
  5. Offer Seminars with the research advisor from the spring semester of the first year for students to acquire the ability to write their thesis and deliver presentations; and schedule opportunities for students to present their research plans and thesis.

The Master’s Program in Nursing seeks students with the following qualities:

  1. Students with practical experience in nursing as well as high practical skills and vocational ethics
  2. Students who are eager to contribute to the development of nursing studies and to solving healthcare issues in Japan and overseas through the research in nursing
  3. Students who can think flexibly and analyze healthcare and nursing phenomena logically and objectively

Faculty Members

Fumiyo ISHIKAWA Professor

Hiroko KUSAYANAGI Professor

Takayo SAKIYAMA Professor

Marie SHIMADA Professor

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Nahoko OKAMOTO Associate Professor

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Megumi KODAKA Associate Professor

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Mari MITSUGI Associate Professor

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Namiko TAMURA Assistant Professor

Sonoe TEZUKA Assistant Professor

Mayumi MATSUNAGA Assistant Professor

Sophia University

For Others, With Others