Workplace Vaccination for COVID-19 at Sophia University (Updated on August 26)
(Updated on August 26)
Vaccination foreign object contamination (not applicable to Sophia university)
Today, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced that the vaccine used at our university for the first round of vaccinations (August 23 – 30) was not subject to the contamination by foreign substances in the Moderna vaccine.
For those of you who have received the first round of vaccinations, we will be sending out a separate email with parallel information, including if you have already been vaccinated.
※Only lot number 3005239 is used at this vaccination site.
Regardless of this news report, we will continue to check for the presence of foreign substances during vaccinations, and ask for your understanding and cooperation.
For further information, please refer to the attached Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited notice (Only Japanese is confirmed at this stage.).
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited notice(107.73 KB)
Secretariat for workplace vaccination
Office of General Affairs, Bureau of General Affairs, Sophia School Corporation
TEL: 03-3238-4655 (Office hours: 8:45-11:30, 12:30-17:30 on weekdays)
(Updated on August 11)
Workplace vaccination at Sophia University is expected to start from August 23.
Details have been posted on Loyola and on the intranet bulletin board for faculty and staff.
Since the scale will be downsized due to a significant delay from the original plan, please try to find alternatives (local governments, large-scale inoculation centers of the Self-Defense Forces, joint vaccination venues in collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the university, etc.) as well.
(Updated on August 10)
According to the notice from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, workplace of vaccination at Sophia University is expected to start from August 23.
Details will be posted on Loyola and on the intranet bulletin board for faculty and staff on August 11.
Since the scale will be downsized due to a significant delay from the original plan, please try to find alternatives (local governments, large-scale inoculation centers of the Self-Defense Forces, joint vaccination venues in collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the university, etc.) as well.
Thank you for your understanding.
(Updated on July 30)
According to the notice from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the start of vaccination at the university is expected to be postponed to August 16 or later. Specific information on the start date and booking procedure will be announced as soon as it is made. Thank you for your understanding.
(Updated on July 7)
According to the notice from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the start of vaccination at the university is expected to be postponed to August 9 or later. Specific information on the start date and booking procedure will be announced as soon as it is made. Thank you for your understanding.
(Posted on June 30)
As reported in the media, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is currently examining the number of vaccines to be supplied to the offices that have applied for the occupational vaccination. As a result, the start of vaccination at the university is expected to be postponed to after the end of July. Specific information on the start date and booking procedure will be announced as soon as it is made available. Thank you for your understanding.
We have prepared a FAQ to answer the questions received from a number of people, and more information will be added as needed.
(Posted on June 21)
Based on the Government policy to start a workplace vaccination program, Sophia School Corporation has decided to offer workplace vaccination at Yotsuya Campus to students, faculty and staff who wish to be vaccinated.
Through workplace vaccination, we aim to protect the safety of our students, faculty and staff members and to create a safe and reassuring environment for conducting in-person classes and research activities on campus at an early time.
We are currently making preparations as under the following plan. Details will be posted on the university website, Loyola and on the intranet bulletin board for faculty and staff.
- Workplace vaccination period
Mid-July − late September, 2021 (tentative)
∗ This is subject to change according to the status of vaccine distribution. - Venue
Sophia University Yotsuya Campus - Scope of vaccination
Students, faculty and staff members of Sophia University, Sophia University Junior College Division, and Sophia School of Social Welfare who opt to be vaccinated - Others
• Workplace vaccination is intended for those who opt for it and will not be forced upon any members.
• The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine will be used (target age group: age 18 and over)
• Students will be surveyed on their preferences for vaccinations at LOYOLA. (June 21 − 23)
<< Contact >>
Office of General Affairs, Bureau of General Affairs, Sophia School Corporation
∗ Details beyond what is described above are currently under consideration. Please understand that we may not be able to respond to your inquiry immediately.