Fordham University Faculy visited Sophia University for research exchange program

From May 22 to 27, the research exchange in the field of Urban Studies took place between Sophia University and Fordam University, one of our partner institutions in the United States.
This program realized as President Yoshiaki Terumichi visited Fordham University last May and accepted their proposal for the research exchange. For this exchange, firstly the research topics were chosen and matching faculty members were selected. It was a first trial for Sophia University to organize this kind of institutional-oriented research exchange program as the research exchanges were usually initiated between indiviual facalty members in the past.

During the period, two field research trips were offered by faculty members of Sophia for Fordham faculty members to participate: Professor Nanako Inaba of Faculty of Global Studies initiated the research on poverty involving a visit of facilities for homeless people and refugees. Associate Professor Takehiro Watanabe of Faculty of Liberal Arts initiated the research on urban environment focusing on the water quality management visiting related places such as a well and the underground detention pond at Kannana Dori(Loop7).

On May 26, International Research Forum on Comparative Urban Studies was held and participants from both universities had presentations and discussions all day.
“Although this was the first trial for us, passionate faculty members from both universities joined making it a very meaningful occasion. Some of the faculty groups from this program launched the joint research, so I am looking forward for the further enhancement of the project. Taking this opportunity, I would like to expand the research exchanges with other universities in wide range of fields.” Dr. Kazuhiro Ema, Vice President for Academic Research Affairs, commented.