About the Classes of 2021 Spring Semester Starting on April 12
April 10, 2021
Sophia University
Spring Semester classes will start on Monday, April 12.
The ever-changing state of COVID-19 infections continue to be unpredictable and critical; and Tokyo has been designated for semi-emergency measures.
Sophia University has been preparing to reinitiate classes and other activities on campus. We have taken various measures for infection prevention, and undergraduate and graduate classes will start as scheduled on Monday, April 12.
Students are asked to be sure to follow the 6 principles of the Sophia New Normal. In order for us to continue our on-campus activities amid these circumstances, your awareness and actions are very important. Let us all join forces so that we can maintain our research and education, as well as other activities on campus.
Please note that we may need to make decisions regarding how classes will be delivered, considering requests from the government and the status of infections at Sophia University and the entire Tokyo metropolitan area. Therefore, please make sure to regularly check the official website and Loyola.