Resident Assistant Training Session held at Soshigaya International House and Sophia-Arrupe International Residence

At Soshigaya International House and at Sophia-Arrupe International Residence, 34 students attended the Resident Assistant(RA) training session.

Resident of these dormitories being multi-national students of diverse backgrounds, living environment is international at both places. Student groups are formed within these dormitories with intentions to promote human growth of student residents through shared/international living environment. Within groups there are RA named “Living Group Leaders(LGL)” who are responsible for planning of special activities such as study sessions, student exchange events as well as setting and enforcing rules. And at a start of the new fall term the training session for LGL was offered for the first time in both dormitories.

In collaboration with a consulting firm Era Inc., the session ran for two days, mainly group works and some lectures focusing on 4 topics: (1) What it means to be LGL (2) Required skill for LGL (3) Organizational team building (4) Skill for planning and preparation for events.
Training contributed participants to not only understand responsibilities of LGL but to gain skills as to logical thinking and project management.

Reflecting the training session many participants shared that they gained confidence as LGL and they are also thankful for enriched ties with their mates who will be working together. Through the session already many ideas and activity plans are proposed promising vitalization of student life at these dormitories.

Sophia University

For Others, With Others