【Important】Request to Suspend Overseas Studies

(Exchange Programs, General Study Abroad Program (Ippan Ryugaku), and Study Abroad during the Leave of Absence (Kyugaku Ryugaku))

March 18, 2020
Sophia University

For Students Studying Abroad,

Due to the continuing spread of the COVID-19 worldwide and measures taken by different countries around the world (such as tightening of border controls and cancellations of the flight operations), Sophia University has decided to request majority of students studying abroad to suspend the overseas studies and return to Japan for the Spring Semester 2020 (1Q & 2Q).

For those students currently studying in countries/regions under one of the following are requested to suspend their overseas studies and return home to resume their studies at Sophia from April.

【A. Please suspend your study abroad (stay overseas) and return to Japan as soon as possible】

1. Countries/regions categorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) Overseas Travel/infection alert as Level 2 or above:

Iceland, Austria, The Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Czech, Germany, Norway, Hungary, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Portugal, Lithuania, Malta, Luxembourg, Italy, U.K., Ireland, Cyprus, Croatia, Bulgaria, Rumania, China, Korea (as of March 18)

∗ Information subject to change. Please visit MOFA website for most updated information.: https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/

【B. Please suspend your study abroad (stay overseas) and return to Japan by the end of March】

2. European countries/regions except of those stated above in A. (As to Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan)

3. The U.S.A (including Hawaii), Canada

【C. Please consider canceling the studying abroad】

4. If your host countries/regions is under one of the conditions below, the University strongly urge students to suspend their overseas studies to return to Japan to resume their studies at Sophia from April.

  • National Emergency has been declared, and or domestic/international travel restrictions imposed
  • Shut down of the university campus/switched to online studies

Sophia University

For Others, With Others