Closing of the Ichigaya Campus

Ichigaya Campus (Yonban-cho, Chiyoda-ku) is being closed as of September 30, 2019.

During the renovation of buildings of the Yotsuya Campus (Bldg. #3, #4, #8 and #9), the Faculty of Science and Technology has been partially relocated to the Ichigaya Campus. However, as the construction being completed, all faculties/departments will be unified at the Yotsuya Campus including the entire Faculty of Science. Centralizing all our educational and research activities in one single campus in Yotsuya, Sophia University will continue to grow utilizing such a blessed environment.

The Ichigaya Campus opened September 1974 due to relocation of its former occupant, Tokyo Seminary Philosophy Department to Seki-machi, Nerima-ku, and the International Division relocated there from the Yotsuya Campus. In 1975, the International Division became the Faculty of Foreign Studies, the Department of Japanese Language and Culture and in 1977 changed its name to the Department of Comparative Cultures. Until the Faculty of Comparative Culture became the Faculty of Liberal Arts (FLA) and moved to the Yotsuya Campus in 2006, the Ichigaya Campus was known as a hub of international education enhanced by diverse cultural exchanges.

The statue of Saint Francisco Xavier located at the Ichigaya Campus since founding of Tokyo Catholic Seminary will be restored and relocated to the Yotsuya Campus to watch over the life of Sophia students.

Sophia University

For Others, With Others