(Alert) Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
January 27th, 2020
Sophia University
There is on ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) pneumonia in Wuhan City, China. It is possible that the outbreak may spread to a wider area and we ask that you keep yourself up to date with the latest information regarding this issue.
For individuals with travel plans to China, please note that the Chinese government may place travel restrictions in effect with little or no advance notice, therefore we request that you refrain from any nonessential and nonurgent travel to China at this time. Please refer to the information made available by the Chinese local government, and the web pages of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
In addition, if you have visited another country and returned to Japan recently, please make sure to take extra care of your health for a few weeks. If you have any medical concerns that require a health check up, make sure to report your travel history to a physician and notify the school’s Health Center (Phone: 03-3238-3394)
Cold and Flu season has begun in Japan, in order to reduced exposure to and transmission of a range of illnesses, it is recommended that you frequently wash hands (Before meals, after returning home, etc.), gargle, avoid close contact with anyone with a fever or cough, and wear a mask.
<Useful resources>
- Novel coronavirus pneumonia (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) *In Japanese
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000164708_00001.html - Ministry of Foreign Affairs homepage *In Japanese
http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp - Infectious Disease Surveillance Center *In Japanese
https://www.niid.go.jp/niid/ja/from-idsc.html - Novel Coronavirus 2019 (World Health Organization)
[To Japanese citizens staying in the Chinese province of Hubei]
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has raised the infectious disease advisory level for Hubei Province to level 3. The Japanese government is coordinating with the Chinese government to arrange transportation to return to Japan for Japanese citizens expressing interest. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is collecting information from interested citizens currently residing in the Hubei Province and asks them to register at the websites listed below.
- Embassy of Japan in China
https://www.cn.emb-japan.go.jp/itprtop_ja/index.html - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overseas Travel Registration Service
https://www.ezairyu.mofa.go.jp/index.html - Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Tabi-Regi” registration site for short-term visitors (Up to 3 Months)