Sophia Institute for Human Security – Kickoff Symposium (June 28th, 2018) “Towards the Realization of Human Security through Social Science Research”
The Sophia Institute for Human Security (SIHS) was established to play a leading role in the “Sophia University Branding Project for Formation of an International Center of Excellence in the Realization of Human Security,” which was selected as a “Private University Research Branding Project” in 2017 by the MEXT.
At this coming June 28th, the SIHS will hold a kickoff symposium, “Towards the Realization of Human Security through Social Science Research”. We hope as many of you will be able to attend.
The purpose of this symposium is to show how effective and necessary social science research is to solve various issues in poverty, environment, health and medical care, immigrants and refugees, and peace-building toward the realization of “human security.” Specifically, the symposium is aimed to share the view described above with the participants in an easy-to-understand manner through the keynote speech and a panel discussion. The keynote speech will discuss what social science has done and what can be done to extend the work of social sciences, with specific examples of efforts in the Philippines and other Asian countries. The panel discussion will discuss the effectiveness and possibilities of research, using cases in the fields of development, health, and medical care.
Thursday, June 28, 17:00~19:00 (Doors open at 16:30)
Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, BLDG. No.2 17th floor, International Conference Hall
Open to:
Sophia Students, faculty and staff, high school students, public (Free, Registration required)
Japanese/English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Sophia Institute for Human Security (SIHS)
Keynote Speech:
“The Contributions of the Social Sciences in Important Human Security Issues in the Philippines and Asia”
Prof. Fernando T. Aldaba
Dean and Professor of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University
Panel Discussion:
“The Role of Social Science Research for Making a Progress in Developing Countries”
- Kazushi Takahashi,
Professor of Economics at Sophia University / SIHS - Ikuo Takizawa,
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Deputy Director General at Human Development Department - Ayako Honda,
Associate Professor of Economics at Sophia University / SIHS - Tatsufumi Yamagata,
President of Japan Society for International Development / Chief Senior Researcher at Development Studies Center, IDE-JETRO
- Masamitsu Kurata,
Assistant Professor of Economics at Sophia University / SIHS