Research by Professor Kazuhiro Ema, Associate Professor Hideyuki Kunugita, and collaborators published online in the Journal of Chemical Physics and selected as an Editor’s Pick

A research group led by Professor Kazuhiro Ema and Associate Professor Hideyuki Kunugita from the Faculty of Science and Technology at Sophia University, Assistant Professor Naoki Shimosako from the Faculty of Engineering at Shizuoka University, and Professor Takashi Kondo and Assistant Professor Masato Sotone from the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo conducted detailed experiments using single crystals of the metal halide perovskite (MHP) material CsPbBr₃.

The results provide groundbreaking findings for the development of next-generation solar cells and light-emitting devices using MHPs.

Research Highlights

  • Metal halide perovskite materials (MHPs) have gained significant attention in recent years, but the understanding of excitonic properties, which are fundamental to their interaction with light, remains limited.
  • Using high-quality CsPbBr3 single crystals, the researchers clarified the longitudinal-transverse (LT) splitting energy, biexciton binding energy, and group velocity dispersion of exciton-polaritons.
  • These findings provide a solid foundation for understanding excitonic properties and contribute to the development of exciton-based optical devices.

The team successfully elucidated key properties, including the magnitude of exciton-photon interactions (longitudinal-transverse splitting energy), the characteristics of biexcitons (bound states of two excitons), and the coupled states of excitons and photons.

The findings of this study were published online in the Journal of Chemical Physics (Volume 161, Issue 17), a journal of the American Institute of Physics, on November 1, 2024, and were selected as an Editor’s Pick for that issue.


Title of original paper

Exciton dynamics in CsPbBr3 single crystal: LT splitting energy, exciton–polariton dispersion, and biexciton binding energy


The Journal of Chemical Physics



Naoki Shimosako, Mizuki Kumamoto, Yui Muroga, Zihao Liu, Masato Sotome, Takashi Kondo, Hideyuki Kunugita, Kazuhiro Ema

Funding information

This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI under Grant No. 24K01387 and the Iketani Science and Technology Foundation. In addition, it was partially supported by ALCA Next under Grant No. JPMJAN23B2.

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