From Spring 2022, our tuition deduction scholarship program has 2 application periods for all students. Until this year, there were 3 application periods for Tuition Support Scholarship/ Benefactor’s (Adachi) Scholarship for privately financed international students throughout the year: November for all students and May and October for newly enrolled students.
We decided to open the application twice in Autumn (1st period) and Spring (2nd period) for all students in order to provide support for those who are facing unexpected economic hardship.
これまでの募集時期 Previous Schedule | ⇒ | 新たな募集時期 New Schedule | 対象者 Eligible Students |
10月募集 October | ⇒ | 秋募集(1次募集) Autumn(1st Period) | 9月新入生等 New Students in September |
11月募集 November | ⇒ | 全在学生 All Students | |
5月募集 May | ⇒ | 春募集(2次募集) Spring(2nd Period) | 4月新入生等 New Students in April |
全在学生【追加】 All Students【NEW】 |
What’s New
- 従来、在学生は前年度に募集する11月募集のみに出願可能でしたが、今回の変更に伴い、春募集(2次募集)においても出願可能となります。
Students who had been enrolled in their program for longer than 1 semester needed to apply for the scholarship in November to cover the tuition of the following academic year starting from April. With this change, those who miss the application in autumn have another chance to apply for it in spring (2nd period.)
※In principle, those who have applied in 1st period may not apply for the 2nd period.
- また、9月新入生等は従来、10月募集に出願し当年度秋学期の学費減免を受けることができていましたが、今回の変更に伴い、秋募集(1次募集)に出願することで、当年度秋学期及び翌年度春学期・秋学期の学費減免を受けることが可能になります。
New students in September needed to apply for it twice in October and November to have their 1st semester and 2nd and 3rd (following academic year) covered. In this new schedule, one application in autumn will cover the tuition of their first semester and following academic year.
Details below
(私費外国人留学生対象)修学奨励奨学金/篤志家安達奨学金の出願機会の拡充について(368.46 KB)
<English(See details in PDF)>
The Expansion of the Tuition Support / Benefactors’(Adachi) Scholarships Application Opportunities for Privately Financed International Students(260.22 KB)
Financial Support Dept.,
Center for Student Affairs
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