
◆応用化学特論 - (前)
Academic Writing for Graduate Students
小野義正『ポイントで学ぶ科学英語論文の書き方』 丸善 2001
谷口、田中、飯田、Cox『英語で書く科学 技術論文』 東京化学同人 1995
Instructions for Authors from various journals will be accessed by the students and copied as needed. The teacher will provide materials that supplement the textbooks.

1The flow of the course will be discussed. The students will introduce their undergraduate research themes in English.
2Each student will bring a copy of the instructions for authors of the student's target journal. The American Chemical Society's Style Guide will be introduced.
3Textbook by Ono, chapters one and two.
4Textbook by Ono, chapters three and four.
5Textbook by Ono, chapters five and six.
6Textbook by Ono, chapters seven and eight. We will begin to work on the special vocabulary of each student's research.
7Finish Ono textbook.
8Writing Introductions, from both textbooks
9Writing methods and materials sections, from both textbooks
10Dealing with data, including figures, schemes, tables.
Students will explain one or more of their own figures.
11Titles and abstracts. Review use of Chemical Abstracts
12Discussion of Results, Conclusions
13Short presentations by students.
14More short presentations.


Copyright (C) 2006 Sophia University
By:上智大学 学事センター