
The general purpose of this course is to encourage the students to acquire a silkroadic way of thinking in order to understand better the contribution of Japanese Dharmalogians and later on Japanese philsophers to world philosophy. Strictly speaking, the emergence of the Kyoto school at the beginning of the twentieth century represents the first sustained and original Japanese contributions to western philosophical thought. The reading of Greek philosophers, Descartes, Kant and later western philosophers becomes in many ways different after reading the works of Nishida, Tanabe, and Nishitani. Moreover, the Kyoto school has contributed to the west an access to eastern intellectual perspectives in general, and to Buddhist dharmasophy in particular. In Japan, Kukai (774-835) is one of the first Japanese dharmalogians to develop a systematic body of thoughts dealing with ultimate questions. His works have been systematically recorded, studied and transmitted and have made an ongoing contribution to Japanese intellectual tradition. Kukai's works testify to the rich and insightful encounter of thoughts along the Silk Road. His reflections emerge on the Silk Road of thoughts and represent a major contribution to the development of a Japanese philosophical tradition.
Book summaries 15%
E-mail correspondence 5%
Essays 25%
Final Examination 25%

1Introduction to the reading of the Benkenmitsunikyoron.


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