
Ethnic and Racial isssues in Japan
In the past two decades there has been a growing tide of challenge to the view of Japan as an ethnically and ‘racially’ homogeneous society. Cultural dissonance, exclusion and conflicts have effectively been disclosed and thereby the unitary identity of Japan amongst Japanese has severely been undermined. When the idea of multi-ethnic Japan seems to have gained popularity, it will no longer be scholarly pursuit to simply add to the chorus of dissension. It is rather necessary to examine those multi-culturalist criticisms as well as to explain how the popular misconception once occurred. This seminar tries to take preceding discussion steps further into the dimension beyond immediate and/or exclusive concern about ethnic discrimination and racism, not simply to castigate injustice but rather to grasp its mechanism.
Weiner, Michael『'Race, nation and empire', ch.1, Race and Migration in Imperial Japan.』 London: Routledge, 1994.
Weiner, Michael『'Discourse of race, nation and empire in pre-1945 Japan', Ethnic and Racial Studies 18(3): 433-456.』 1995.
Weiner, Michael『'The invention of identity: Race and nation in pre-war Japan', Frank Dikoetter (ed) The Construction of Racial Identities in China and Japan: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, pp.96-117.』 London: Hurst & Co., 1997.
Weiner, Michael (ed)『Japan's Minorities: The Illusion of Homogeneity.』London: Routledge, 1997.
Weiner, Michael (ed)『Race, Ethnicity and Migration in Modern Japan.』London: Routledge, 2004.
De Vos, George and William Wetherall『Japan's Minorities: Buraklumin, Koreans, Ainu, Okinawans.』London: Minority Rights Group, 1983.
english, japanese

1detailed organisation will be given in the first class


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