
◆英語研究A-1 - (前)
M. Milward
English Language Studies A-1
History of the English Language 1
This course looks at the history of the English language, especially in the ways its various stages have been preserved in Britain, North America and other parts of the world. The BBC video series should give a vivid idea both of the sounds of the language and its uses. Provided there are few enough of us, the course will operate in seminar style, with different people presenting the different sections.
Students will be evaluated on participation, hand-out preparation, the discussion they lead, notes for the examination and the final examination-discussion.
R. McCrum, et al.『The Story of English』 Penguin
A.C. Baugh, T. Cable『A History of the English Language』Routledge

1Organization and preparation
3An English-speaking world
4Old and middle English
6Scots English
7English in Ireland
8English among blacks
9American English
10English in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
11New developments in English
12Possibilities for the future of English
13Final review


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