
◆戦間期の経済理論と経済政策 - (前)
Economic Theory and Economic Policy in the Inter-war Period
--- Comparative Studies of UK, USA, and Japan.
This lecture programme will be coordinated by Roger Sandilands (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK) and Toshiaki Hirai (Sophia Univ.). Each week an invited scholar will read his/her paper, followed by discussion among the participants.
The main purpose of the lectures is to deepen our understanding of the relation between economic theory and economic policy by comparing the UK, USA and Japan in the inter-war period.

1Roger Sandilands (11 April), 

The significance of the “net federal income-increasing expenditure series”, in the recovery of 1934-39.
2Toshiaki Hirai (18 April),
Keynes as an International Designer for the British Empire --- In Relation to the Relief Problem in the 1940s.
3Asahi Noguchi (25 April),
The Role of Misguided Economic Ideas in Macro-economic
Policy Making: Japan's Experiences in the Two Deflationary Periods
4Zane Spindler (9 May),
A Public Choice Perspective on the Origins of the Pacific War
5Chikako Nakayama (16 May),
Viennese economists in the 1930s
6Masazumi Wakatabe (23 May),
Was the Great Depression the Watershed of Macroeconomics?: The Impact of the Great Depression on Economic Thought Reconsidered
7Roger Sandilands (30 May),
The significance of the "excess reserves" problem in the 1930s
8Tamotsu Nishizawa (6 June),
Treasury Responses to the Keynesian Revolution
9Masanobu Sato (13 June)
Planning and Control by J.M. Clark
10Atushi Komine (20 June),
Beveridge and his Contemporaries: Economic Policy in inter-war Britain
11Kazuhiko Yago (27 June),
BIS examined from a point of view of history of economic thought
12Toshiaki Hirai (4 July),
Keynes and Employment Policy
13Isao Suto (11 July),
The 100 Percent Reserve Plan in the New Deal Banking Reform


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