Sophia Magazine vol.9 / SUMMER 2019

CHRONICLESOF RESEARCHERS AT SOPHIA EIKOTAKAOKAProfessor, Department of Information andCommunication Science CEO, Sophia Medical Info Co., Ltd. #18Innovative App SupportsMultilingual Communicationin Medical and Nursing InteractionsIn 2018, the number of foreigners visiting Japan reached 31.19 million, and in the year of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the number of foreign visitors is expected to surpass the government target of 40 million. To meet the medical needs of these travelers, Professor Eiko Takaoka put her mind to developing a tablet app, SoCHAS (Sophia Cross-lingual Health Assistant System), to assist foreigners with their com-munications at Japanese medical facilities. Last October, Professor Takaoka also established Sophia Univer-sity’s first ever venture business, the Sophia Medical Info Co., Ltd., and as its CEO has set to work developing and promoting the app. 14Research

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