Sophia Magazine Special Issue

change; (4) globalization and inequality; and (5) the in-ternational tensions caused by migrants and refugees. He then asserted that the concept of Human Security is “ab-solutely crucial” in tackling these threats and challenges in a holistic manner, as Human Security is based on respect for the dignity of human beings and is supported by all member states: “Nobody put it into question in terms of the concept of human security,” he said.The Secretary-General went on to say that preventing conflicts is much more important than managing con-flicts, and Human Security is a “unifying concept” that can bring us to work together to create the political, social, and economic conditions that would address key agendas such as prevention, sustainable development, and sustainable peace. He suggested that Human Security should be used much more to design a strategy and blueprint of action, by both national governments and the international com-munity, to tackle these global challenges.The Secretary-General noted that Japan invented the concept of Human Security, and it has been playing a criti-cal role in advancing this concept. It created a mechanism within the UN system to enhance Human Security, and has implemented successful projects around the world based on the concept. He stressed that it is time for the UN and the international community to take advantage of this unifying concept. Finally, the Secretary-General argued that academics and civil societies can play an important role in expand-ing intellectual discussion on the concept of Human Secu-rity, which could convince many governments in different parts of the world to advance the agendas of prevention, sustainable development, and sustainable peace based on “enlightened self-interests.” The Secretary-General began a discussion with 30 stu-dents from 13 universities across Japan, moderated by Professor Higashi.With regard to a question about the role of the UN in bridging conflicting parties in war, the Secretary-General said that it is more difficult to mediate conflicting parties because many political and military leaders think that they can win a war; it is crucial to convince conflicting parties that everybody loses when there are wars.As for the North Korea nuclear crisis, the Secretary-General emphasized that the Security Council needs to be united on the issue of North Korea. At the same time, he stressed the importance of diplomatic engagement to solve the problem peacefully. Asked about the need to address the mental health prob-lems of ex-combatants, the Secretary-General pointed out that there is a gap between the need for psychological sup-port for victims of violence and ex-combatants and the ac-tual mechanisms to implement assistance. He stressed the importance of increasing funding and improving mecha-nisms to provide necessary support.Responding to a question about how to prevent conflict, the Secretary-General expounded on the instruments that could prevent conflict: economic development and job op-portunities for youth prevent conflict in significant ways; avoiding radicalization is crucial too. The Secretary-Gen-eral stressed that conflict can also be prevented by media-tion; enhancing the capacity for mediation and conflict prevention is one of the most important tasks for him as UN Secretary-General.Finally, the Secretary-General had a message for the Japanese students. On the one hand, he hopes the stu-dents will engage in political and social life in Japan as Japanese citizens. On the other, he said, “Do not look at only Japan but also at the whole world. Because we are so interlinked now, what happens in the world will shape how Japan goes.” The Secretary-General concluded his re-marks by expecting the students to be not only “full citi-zens of Japan,” but also “full cosmopolitans of the world.”Dialogue Between the Secretary-General and Students 2017年12月14日、本学は国連事務総長として初来日したアントニオ・グテーレス氏をお迎えし、外務省と国連広報センターの後援のもと、特別講演会「グローバル課題~『人間の安全保障』の役割~」を開催しました。会場には学生や市民、専門家など600人を超す参加者で満席となりました。 はじめに曄道佳明学長が、グテーレス氏の本学訪問に感謝の意グローバル課題 ~『人間の安全保障』の役割~10

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