Sophia Magazine vol.2 / WINTER 2015

Vol.2WINTER2016I am a Sophia graduate. I entered Sophia nearly 40 years ago. For an eighteen-year-old high school graduate from rural Japan, studying at Sophia was an eye-opening experi-ence. On this relatively small campus I found the world in miniature, compris-ing people from diverse cultural back-grounds.I particularly remember one pro-fessor, a German Jesuit. Educated in Germany, France and England, he came to Japan to teach comparative literature. He was an intellectual giant, well versed in both the Western intel-lectual tradition and Japanese culture. He even taught us Japanese words that were unfamiliar to us while he was lec-turing on Homer. He embodied “Sophia,” literally bringing the world together right be-fore our eyes. Through him, we learned the importance of appreciating and being sensitive to the cultural diversity of the world. He represents the kind of legacy the Faculty of Humanities has cherished and maintained until today. In recent years, we have launched the Inter-departmental Humanities Program and the graduate program in Cultural Interaction to encourage students as global citizens to carry that legacy into the next generation. JUROOTSUKADean, Faculty of HumanitiescontentsmessageSt. Ignatius Church:Background of Global EducationCatholic Heritage29Network30Cooperation26Reality and Challenges:Development Cooperation andBusiness in AfricaTakashi Hattori / Senior Managing Director, Chief Division OfficerAutomotive Division, Toyota Tsusho CorporationTadashi Yokoyama / Head, External Representation Office for Asia, African Development BankYasushi Hirosato / Professor, Faculty of Global Studies/Director, Center for Global Discovery, Sophia UniversityThe Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund Approach: Grassroots Community Outreach in TohokuIchiro Fujisaki / Distinguished Professor and Co-President of the Taylor Anderson Memorial FundAndy and Jeanne Anderson / Co-Presidents of the Taylor Anderson Memorial FundSpecial Talk21Hop! Step! Jump!Students Leaping and Connecting with the WorldVoice24Human Resource Development and Preservation of Angkor:Generous International Contribution based on Sophia’s School PhilosophyYoshiaki Ishizawa / Professor by Special Appointment ,Sophia University, Director of Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human DevelopmentApproach6Contributing to Peacebuilding in the WorldMari Yamashita / Director and Deputy Head, Peacebuilding Support Office, United NationsSophia People18Student16UN Youth Volunteer Experience “A Turning Point in My Life”Risa Nishida / Faculty of Foreign StudiesService Learning – Giving Students Opportunities to Live Their LearningDavid  H. Slater / Professor, Department of Liberal ArtsEconomics of Life Values in Health Care ServicesKen Aoki / Professor, Faculty of EconomicsResearch10Campus News32

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