Sophia Magazine vol.1 / SUMMER 2015

24Hop! Step! Jump!Students Leaping and Connecting with the WorldStudents gathering from around the world and Sophia students extending their network to the rest of the globe.Sophia University offers a wide variety of learning opportunities for students from both Japan and abroad.Here are some examples of students who face challenges daily, gaining precious experiences.from “SOPHIA” to“INDONESIA”from “SOPHIA” to“CHINA”Yunosuke Takeishihough most people might choose a Western coun-try as their destination to study abroad, I chose Indonesia, a place I had never been before, by applying to the SAIMS Program. I thought that by placing myself in a country totally different from my home country in terms of economic level, culture and language, I could see a whole new world. While I was in Indonesia, I real-ized that the status of women is very different in Islamic culture compared to Japan.By seeing the reality and differences between urban and rural areas, I realized that until I actually visited the country, I had only known about these things sec-ond-hand rather than having real knowledge. In half a year, I could feel that doors to the world were beginning to open to me one by one. In the future, I wish to work for a Japanese company and by utilizing the capabili-ties of Japanese production, I hope to engage in the de-velopment of Indonesia, which is now my second home.T➣ DEPARTMENT: Senior, Department of Education, Faculty of Human Sciences➣ DESTINATION: Bogor Agricultural University➣ LOCATION: Bogor, Indonesia➣ PERIOD: One semester from August 2014 to January 2015Since 2014, Sophia University has been participating in the ASEAN International Mobility for Students Program (AIMS). Through the SAIMS Program, which is Sophia University’s AIMS Program, the university offers exchange programs with seven prestigious universities in four ASEAN countries.BACKGROUNDKanei Takadawas born the daughter of a Chinese mother and a Japanese father. Up to the age of 15, I was educated at a Japanese school in Shanghai, China and then went to a public high school in Tokyo, Japan. When I was a junior high school student, I experienced anti-Japanese demonstrations and felt uneasy because what I heard from the news contradicted the feelings of my Chinese friends who were kind to me. This led me to consider how I would report the demonstrations if I were a jour-nalist and I decided to study journalism at Sophia. My goal at the time was to become a journalist on Sino-Japanese relations. However, through participating in international programs at Sophia, I came to realize that I needed to further extend my perspective when viewing the society around me. I decided to study abroad, having considered it once before, and when I found the “TOBI-TATE!” Leap for Tomorrow! Study abroad campaign, I eagerly began to prepare for the opportunity it provided. While I was at Tsinghua University, I could feel that the economy was globalized and I realized that high quality reportage requires funding. This led me to be interested in the media business. Currently, I hope to nd a job as a resident employee for a trading company, as one of the Japanese representatives.I➣ DEPARTMENT: Senior, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Humanities➣ DESTINATION: Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University➣ LOCATION: Beijing, the People’s Republic of China➣ PERIOD: From September 2014 to June 2015The “TOBITATE!” Leap for Tomorrow! Study abroad campaign by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology supports students’ study abroad via public and private cooperation through donations from supporting companies and organizations.BACKGROUNDVoice

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