上智 大学院 総合人間科学研究科 2023

■ ─ 109 ─本課程では,研究者として教育学の領域における幅広い学識と高度な研究スキルを身につけ,人間の尊厳を守りつつ,教育を通じて現代社会の課題解決にリーダーシップを発揮して取り組むことができる人材の養成を目的として,学生が修了時に身につけるべき能力や知識を次のように定めています。修了要件を満たし論文審査に合格すれば,これらを身につけたものと認め,学位を授与します。 1.社会の様々な事象についての情報収集力 2.柔軟で多角的な思考力・分析力 3.他者への共感と多様な集団との協働によって生み出す創造力 4.問題解決にリーダーシップを発揮して取り組む実行力 5.自立的に研究を遂行し,新たな知見を学術と政策・実践にもたらす力 6.研究成果を適切にまとめ広く社会に発信する力 【Doctoral Program】 【博士後期課程】 1. ability to gather information on various social phenomena ■2. flexible and multifaceted thinking and analytical skills ■3. creativity and empathy cultivated through collaboration with diverse groups of people 4. ability to implement solutions to problems 5. ability to properly conduct research and compile the results into an academic paper. The Ph. D. program aims to nurture researchers with broad academic knowledge and advanced research skills in the field of education who can take leadership in resolving issues in contemporary society through education while respecting human dignity. Upon satisfying the requirements for completion of the program and passing the thesis examination, students will be recognized as having acquired the following knowledge and skills and will be awarded a degree: 1. ability to gather information on various social phenomena 2. flexible and multifaceted thinking and analytical skills 3. creativity and empathy cultivated through collaboration with diverse groups of people 4. ability to take leadership in problem-solving 5. ability to carry out research independently and bring new knowledge to academia and policy/practice 6. ability to summarize research results appropriately and disseminate them widely to society

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